General Election 2020 Hub

you’re a bit of snide cunt aren’t you…

A little bit snarky tonight. I’m quite upset by it.

I think that is why people are toying with voting for them. To see what they would do and would it be different/better. Balanced against that is that for most people things are actually pretty good as evidenced in the cocaine usage statistics.

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FFG have shown they are entirely incapable of governing. Whether SF are the answer is another question but Ireland needs to grow up and not keep blindly voting for these 2 cheeks of the same arse.

cocaine usage shows a broken country and a lot of people trying to escape reality.

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It collapsed during the recession. It’s a sign lads have disposable income again.


As Churchill never said the greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.

As irish joe public is generally a jumped up excitable social media whoring moron, i am filled with dread.

I don’t think I’m being snidey. I’ve actually suggested FG/SF coalition options. Are you concerned about SF success bro? Is it putting you on edge?

This is why I’ve voted SF my entire life.

SF will be far more transfer friendly this time, we’ve reached a tipping point of social acceptability.

Expect to see Maria Cahill make a big appearance into this GE after the new poll comes out tomorrow. But I think we’ve reached a stage where it could backfire badly on the establishment. The public want to talk about the issues.


What are SF gonna do when the fat is in the fryer, cant abscond and let Westminster rule this time

SF have had a much more aspirational message this time. Doing very well with skilled workers. Not surprising as skilled work has always been in the SF DNA.

Hypothetically, if SF got all 42 candidates elected is it even mathematically possible for them to have the most seats?

I’d agree with this - I’d query how achievable and sustainable their policies are but when you’re in opposition it kinda doesn’t matter, to a certain extent FF are playing the same game

Far away problems are far away! I suspect their main worry now is maximising vote

Indeed- Dessie Ellis’ tv repair skills were utilsed in other fields too.

Most voters are not on social media.

And you would no matter what they did i take it? You’re not exactly a balanced commentator so.

I get why the ira took up arms. Catholics were being ethnically cleansed. But thats gone now, there won’t be unification without the majority so why don’t they give up the Halloween stuff and jettison the psychopaths to their summer homes in gweedore. The country needs a responsible left wing alternative, SF know this but their refusal to grow up means they either actually fear power, or they aren’t as patriotic as they imagine


FFG are blindly arrogant it’s almost unbelievable… There’s a sizeable amount of voters who know or care little for the troubles. They are concerned with the issues of today… Same can’t be said for over 40s, they’re happy to vote in the same two parties based on mudslinging and family tradition. They’re not bothered in the slightest by policies.


No shit, after brexit, trump and more that’s clear

I’d say at this stage a small majority of voters would be on Facebook but the amount they use it is debatable. A small minority would be on Twitter. A majority of far right voters seem to be active online as the Irish far right presence on interactive media is many times higher than their tiny vote share in the real world.