General Election 2020 Hub

I have to say - this made me snigger quite a lot

“Repealing the Eighth Amendment would not have happened without Fianna Fáil, with Billy Kelleher and Lisa Chambers and Ned O’Sullivan at the Joint Oireachtas Committee looking at the issue,” Mr Martin said.

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FFS sake.

First elected in 1989 - he’s putting himself forward as “change” :joy::joy:

Also the C&S has neutered their credence as opposition .

31 years he’ll have been a TD in June.

That’s still several years less than the 35 and a quarter years Enda Kenny had been a TD when he was the candidate of “change” in 2011.


Yeah - Kenny never really convinced

That’s a clamping.

There’s a climate debate on Claire Byrne Live tomorrow. I presume it’s an all party line up.

Wasn’t Jeremy Corbyn near on 30 years an MP and many around here saw him potential change ??


Has there been a “finance ministers” debate?

His policies would have been a major change.

Not a proper one per se, but all the finance heads were on Prime Time in the first week of the campaign if I recall correctly.

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In reality, where are the Cumainn with regard to coalition with either SF or FG?

All on radio 1 yesterday about lunchtime too


They don’t know whether they’re cumainn or goin’.

He’s costing the party votes big time. Time to revisit the front line team. Bring on Fleming, Chair of the PAC. He exudes calmness, competence and a willingness to be inclusive.
Desist from putting any of the following out front : Calleary, Collins, Cowen, Dooley and I’m only as far as D…

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Anyone seen Barry Cowen recently?

Barry - are you out there?

He’s busy getting the vote out for the third seat.

Sean Fleming from Laois/Offaly? He’s an auld man at this stage and has been a backbench no mark for eternity, no?

The FF parliamentary party would appear at loggerheads. The campaign has been a shambles .