General Election 2020 Hub

I’ve seen a lot of heated debates on Facebook over this election and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s no wonder we end up with clowns in government when you see the clowns who have a vote


They should make it like the Seanad where you have to have gone to a proper university to have a vote

Some sort of a test before you go in to the voting booth, to show you at least have some sort of vague grasp of the issues

Eh lads, Ronan Mullen has one of the Seanad university slots.

Too many people with an arts degree get a vote in Seanad elections.

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@anon98850436 is scared shitless of the SF proposal to tax a chunk of his earnings over 140k. Apparently it would cost him 19k a year in additional tax. He is turning to his other FF backwoodsmen to see ‘how can this be stopped?’


Does he earn a lot of money?
Surprising considering he is so humble and would never allude to it.


If Sinn Fein are willing to bring in legislation banning 60 word sentences they will get my vote.

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Id say simpleton skangers like you are a safe constituency for them regardless

Can any idiot mentioning “money tree” refer to this please? I

I heard that COTY nominee Regina Doherty asking where the money is going to come from when discussing pensions. Mind you, she does seem to have a problem with people collecting what is rightfully theirs.

Reminds me of all the times youve held mick wallace to the same standard.

The apple tax case, it isn’t an easy swallow answer but we have to be more attractive than other countries for foreign investment. Without it the welfare paradise would go under in no time

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The lads want to kill the chicken for Christmas dinner and not eat the eggs for the rest of the year.

1 per cent of income tax payers pay 26 per cent of tax. SF want to increase their share of tax while at the same time not tax houses worth 1m euro

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Shur tha gubbmint has loadsa money

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Anybody with a private pension is going to be mugged off good and proper in the years to come by politicians with absolute gold plated pensions. If they limit politicians pensions in same way as they propose to limit private pensions fair enough.

Ah shtap after i read those articles you put up on the encroaching apocalypse im seriously wondering about my (not private) pension. There won’t be a pot to piss in

Shows where we are when Regina Doherty is considered a “rising star” in Irish politics. Every time I witness her in action it’s like being hectored by a home economics teacher that is missing from a school somewhere.

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I said it on here nearly 8 years ago…what the Fuck do we need politicians for at all?.. What are all the issues we are facing? Technological , scientific and economic… What’s the point in letting people , most of whom with no background in these areas, decide how we go about solving these issues?

We should be paying a committee of senior engineers, technicians, scientists and economists to decide these…by all means have an elected seanad as a check on them, but any elected people should be someone who has given 20 years service to a certain career… Doctor/teacher/police etc. etc.

The day of electing Paddy Pothole and Mary Medicalcard should be consigned to the 19th century where it belongs.


What welfare paradise? We are at full employment are we not?

I’ve made up my mind. I’m voting 1 Green and 2 Labour followed by a broad spectrum of left candidates. This is exactly in alignment with my policy preferences and worldview.

It seems there is no far right candidate in my constituency to leave blank so I shall leave FG and FF to the bottom of my ballot preferences, with FG ahead of FF in case the final seat comes down to a battle between them.


Best place for the bollox