General Election 2020 Hub

Mary Lou can expect an evening of attacks from all sides no doubt. Should be more interesting the two boys basically agreeing with each other for an hour anyway

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Honest Leo indeed…


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Yes welfare fraud cheats us all, you think it doesn’t?
And he has his position on apple. Why do you think he has it, are you in the great downtrodden brigade who thinks the government is out to get us, or maybe he realises we are so tied to FDI unfortunately that we have to safeguard it

I’d say I’m fairly middle of the road with my views really. You’re attitude is that everyone should look out for themselves and fuck everyone else. You’re wasted in Ireland really, you’re a screaming Trumpian republican that gets erect watching Fox news I’d say.

You’re not middle of the road but its your prism, you just aren’t intelligent enough to see it. Proven by this last reply

Standard Maroon MO… Doesn’t like what he hears, calls person stupid :joy:

I’d rather be misguided and stupid than hate filled any day. Your venom for anyone that dares challenge the staus quo is actually quite sad. You must loathe life and people most of your waking day?

Both are examples of defrauding the state, one for billions, the other for a couple of hundred grand and you’re screaming at the people who may get a few extra quid to buy a few groceries.

Kev was a massive fan of telling people they weren’t smart enough to understand the truth(whatever Kev thought).

God more bizarre ranting.

You are sore because when i challenged your earlier assertion that people couldn’t survive on the dole you pretended you were goimg for a swim, now youre refusing to answer it. Don’t be getting all sore. And we all have prisms we view things through. Mainly due to upbringing, area etc. I see that, you don’t and then think you are middle of the road

I’d say he’d happily get behind a form of government led eugenics to wipe ireland free a large swathe of the population.

Both are examples, both are wrong, but the key is, and i have to explain this yet again, real world we need FDI, i wish we didn’t, but we do. Are you suggesting we don’t, do you realise how much of the tax take it provides? So it has to be protected. So while apple might not pay enough tax they contribute massively otherwise, wages, investment etc.

Welfare frauds might be a drop in the ocean but its a political campaign and key. You and a few more simply can’t wrao your heads around it. You need a working population to form a tax base. You need to incentivise work, and you need to show people that your taxes, what you look at and squirm at in your paycheck are necessary for the greater good. Therefore if people are scamming they are taking your hard earned money and there has to be a check or consequences for that. Its called participation in society. This is remedial stuff in most other countries.

Would you not think that having been born a Limerick street rat and then marrying into Cork royalty that he would have a good cross section of society experienced?

I would have thought that bit it hasn’t sunk in. Careful though your highlighting a possible lack of intelligence there and i know you hate that

Any chance they could bring the election forward a few days and get it over with.

Not until SF get put under some sort of micrscope

Ignore him. He’s a fool who has a total inability to see any issue through anything other than the lens of Independent Newspapers or Ivan Yates clickbait cliches.

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Why are you back here sid?

There’s no one else gets the same scrutiny as SF

If someone wants to prove me wrong please do, but all ive been countered with so far is name calling. At least mikehunt is asking a few real questions

I’m not “sid” and my previous post wasn’t addressed to you, so toddle on there like a good lad.

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