General Election 2020 Hub


Your attitude is encouraging a race to the bottom where a state whore themselves out to these MNCs. Luckily the EU have our back and have instructed we collect the 19bn. I look forward to this going towards essential services. It will be interesting to see if Apple up sticks after they lose this appeal. Apple are getting a very good deal at 12.5% and should pay up if they report profits as being earned in Ireland.


They are already whored out to them. Thats the reality looking at the tax take. Youd prefer we were whored out to the EU? Is it just because they are American companies. Apple and Google didn’t ensure the bondholders were paid in full.

FF did.

No, they and FG were told what to doby their benevolent European masters

Its amazing how people think FFG want the country to be in dire straits, and want to oversee a shit show. It just sounds lovely in the victim hood narrative i guess

The issue is not Apple. Their job is to make as much profit as possible and good luck to them. What I don’t like is seeing FG facilitate tax evasion on one hand and then shamelessly try and deflect and point at welfare cheats. As I said we are lucky to have the EU looking out for us, they must be scratching their heads looking at Mick refusing 19bn and then complaining about having to pay back money they borrowed from German banks.

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And they saved the bondholders at their behest and placed the burden onto the citizens.

When the EU told them to collect tax from a large MNC, they refused to and placed the burden of a legal bill in doing so onto the citizens.

Square that one for me.

What? the money paid back was in a large case speculative bonds. All of it shouldn’t have been paid back. But the EU called the shots there.

The fact there are over 60 FF FG landlords deciding not to tackle an out of control rental market says it all.

Because they realise how much we need the FDI, and the EU is jealous of them being here by the way, just look at french pronouncements on the tax rate

That’s a failing of the state, beholden to large MNC tax cheats.

By what rent freezes? They are unconstitutional. They did put in rent control areas, but lets pretend that attempt to tackle them never happened and keep hands over ears.

They should build houses, apartment buildings of social housing as its a crises. But FG don’t have that ethos. Thats their prism. If you don’t like it theres a chamce on Saturday to show it. Well not for you but for those of us registered to vote in ireland.

Things ain’t like they used to be.

Thats reality unfortunately. I know SF hate reality but there we are.

A real statesman.

Did you really believe Noonan and Kenny when told you they did all they could re burning the bondholders?

Not at all. They were kowtowed very easy id say, kenny in Parliament getting his head tapped. They should have said fuck you we’ll pay back 50% but the country can’t afford more but they did as told, and im sure weren’t personally affected. Im not a FGer. But do you think ‘the EU’ had our back. Did they fuck, they worked to protect german pension funds.


Things are fairly good in Ireland for most people truth be told.

Lads on here posting away all day and being paid to do so, money for weekend breaks, expensive whiskey, craft beer, personal, tickets for games, dodgy tv streams, children, self actualisation


Honest Leo said not one more red cent.