General Election 2020 Hub

Thats true but some just want to victims.theres a real crisis in health care, theres a bad situation in housing but overall its not terrible. Everything still runs,money comes out of ATMs. Itd be great to have a left wing government who might move the needle towards social programs a bit. But SF is not responsible or reasonable.

I just said he was wrong? But, in his defence we don’t know what he was being threatened with. Very easy from the ditch

That’s the point. As bad as the EU are, our own politicians are worse. You’ve actually just admitted it but you’re saying Sinn Fein will wreck the country. You’re going to go out and vote for the fuckers that are ruining it on a continuous basis.

I have seen no party propose any solution to health that seems workable - too many vested interests.

Housing - can be fixed by building properly but that takes time given the nature of the Irish planning system and economy and limitations of labour

SF are running a populist campaign that we laughed at about Brexit.

Let’s just get this done.

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We have plenty of actual evidence and experience of how fiscally reckless FFG are. We have zero experience of SF in government. Bottom line is, it’s time to find out.


Are you reading my posts, i want a reasonable left wing government to implement a few programs. I have no love whatsoever for FFG but compared to SF i consider them the far better choice

Have we had this one yet

Hell of a risk. Maybe as a junior partner, id love to see the excuses that come out on here when it turns out they are the same and actually worse than the establishment.

This is a reasonable debate, ive taken time to answer every single question asked even though im wrong on plenty, i try do the same on all issues, abortion etc, but bare that in mind all i wanted here was an answer from @anon61878697 on what was the rationale for in my mind the pure populism of dangling an increase in dole. He went running. Off with him but try debate points not just call names if ye can.

What has you so afraid of Sinn Fein out of interest? The raise in dole is a bit far fetched but their stance on reforming insurance and making the wealthy carry a fairer share of the tax burden seems reasonable. FG and FF have had their chance, would you not like to see someone else get a chance.

They have plenty of decent politicians who would try to improve the country, all parties do believe it or not, but are very constrained budget wise.

They have plenty of parish pump lads who are happy to focus solely on being re elected forever. But so do others, including at least half of FF.

My fear is twofold, their policies are very populist i think and thats dangerous, not least for fiscal irresponsibility. The second is some of their lurkers are criminal psychopathic cunts. Real dangerous cunts. Did you see that quote from Seamus mallon where he said he couldn’t stand to be in the same room as adams? You can excuse some of it in the am ‘war’ but they have a whole section who think smuggling, fraud, extortion, killing guards etc is the cost of doing business and i don’t want them holding any sway.

Things are fine for a lot of people. But God forbid (and I mean this) if any relative or loved one of yours gets sick and is depending on the public health system to care for them. You genuinely have to see how bad it is to believe it. These sick, vulnerable people are not scroungers or spongers. They have generally worked hard and contributed all their lives but are now dying unnecessarily and without dignity. FFG have been running this shit show for generations and have only succeeded in making it worse. I have no idea if SF or anyone else is capable of making a better fist of it but it’s worth giving them a chance.

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Agreed. Health system is not working and is a disgrace in terms of access to same. Once people are in system it seems to work mostly. I think healthcare is rationed at source as a deliberate policy.

However I have not seen any party seek to address structural Issues associated with it and all we may see is more money being spent with no increase in outcomes or service.

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You see, I don’t think it’s balanced to say FF/FG have been “running this shit show for generations” and therefore blame any issues in society (health system etc) on them without acknowledging the absolute step-change in living standards in Ireland over the same period and not give credit for that.

We are now one of the richest countries in the world. People take this for granted and assume it was inevitable and that it will continue to be so. That’s a fairly big assumption in my mind.

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Yes, a reality that the establishment has failed its citizens.

Things are much much worse in almost every other country. People here expect to own their own homes as a realistic goal. That is great but also a testament to the huge successes we have had.

The health system is not fit for purpose but fixing it requires more than populism and spending money. Demands vested interests are taken on and system is designed from ground up centred on patient and not healthcare professionals.

Are they? Wealth inequality is huge in the free state, a homelessness crisis and a health service that is shambolic.

The wealth we are experiencing makes the Health and Housing catastrophes even more shameful.

So how would you fix the health crisis?

That’s the question nobody seems to be able to answer.

Housing will take time but is fixable.

The reluctance to grab pension age nettle is worrying.