General Election 2020 Hub

I have absolutely no idea. Neither do FFG so I’m all for giving someone else a go.

To start off you need to invest heavily in the public health service and undo the current two tier system.

FF and FG have utterly decimated the health service, they should never, ever be let near it again.

So to apply your argument - if a gov comes in destroying wealth (or some sort of economic downturn) by extension the health/housing issues would be less shameful :man_shrugging:


But theres huge investment in health, one of the highest in Europe iirc

Sinn Féin priorities in government would include:

  • Increase spending on healthcare by €3.3 billion to move from a failing, two tier health system to universal healthcare.
  • Recruit 6,600 additional frontline health workers including nurses, midwives and consultants.
  • Roll out free GP care and free prescriptions.
  • End two-tier access to hospital care and deal with the trolley crisis.
  • Invest an additional €15 million in the ambulance service.
  • Prioritise disability services and mental health.
  • Support older people by increasing home help hours, respite hours and providing additional nursing home beds.

FF and FG have invested heavily in the public health system - check out the resources that have gone into it over the last 20 years.

Sounds great. Even if you can’t get vaguer than ‘prioritise’

And the costings?

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FF and FG introduced a two tier health system and have utterly destroyed the health service in this country between them.

They invest heavily in a failed system.

Sure the health budget has been jumping by about 1 billion per year over the last while. If SF are investing €3.3 billion extra over 5 years are they slowing that growth?

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They introduced a two tier health system and are to blame for the current shambolic state of the health service.

You’re a good man for the utterly inane slogans.


They will plug the 500m gap in public hospitals caused by withdrawal of private work from them by removing tax relief on private health insurance.


It’s odd how you are more sceptical of the party without the track record in destroying the health service than the parties with the track record in destroying the health service.

Nothing inane about it. You seem intent on defending the indefensible though.

How would you fix the heath care system?

Huh? SF are in government in a country with the NHS. They never had to concern themselves with it.

Your initial point, investment, was fairly easily disproved. Any others outside repeating two tier health system?

There’s no quick fix. FF and FG have utterly destroyed health care in the state. The two tier health system has failed and needs to scrapped but the sheer gravity of the shitheap FF and FG have made of it is unquantifiable.

No. I’m saying that it’s complicated.

Your slogans such as “FF/FG have destroyed the health service” is simplistic waffle. There’s parts of the health service that work very well and parts which have clear capacity and access issues. However your notion that you just need to “invest heavily in the public health services” is vacuous even by your standards.

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Huh? What?

SF have no track record in utterly destroying health care in any state.

FF FG have a scandalous record of destroying health care in their state.

Yet you are more sceptical of the party with no track record in destroying healthcare than the two parties with a proven track record in destroying healthcare.

And you can’t see the contradiction there?

In fairness to Sinn Fein they made Belfast a world leader in orthopedics and treating bullet injuries to lower legs.