General Election 2020 Hub


So how many health services have SF controlled?

And its very bad, but not utterly destroyed just yet.

It’s not waffle. It is absolute fact. The state has been presided over by FF FG since it’s inception. It’s their policies, governance and lack of investment that has provided a shambolic and unequal health service.

Stick your fingers in your ears as much as you want, it won’t change that.

And treatment of burns

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So you give them credit for all the good stuff too.

Will nationalists in a border poll stick with the NHS?

You keep missing the point.

FF FG have a track record in destroying healthcare. Why are you focusing on a party who have yet to destroy healthcare when it comes to scepticism?

What good stuff?

Ireland has third highest quality of life in world, says UN report

Norway tops the rankings, with the UK in 15th place

The NHS is a far better functioning health system.

Let the church run it again .


@mikehunt is looking forward to the day when he can give up the oul 9-5…242 pw sounds like a winner

484 Christmas week.

Amen to that

Word from Tipp is one of the candidates, Marese Skehan, is after passing away

Nothing there that says it’s a better functioning health service than the Irish one.

Has this ever happened before?

you think I was going to ruin my facial and spa time going over old hat…?

Very sad news. May she rest in peace.

Can they count the votes in the other constituencies given it could compromise the Tipp vote?

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