General Election 2020 Hub

Can’t think of anything off hand. I’d say it’s cos it is so late in the day that by the time the new ballot papers are out, postal votes etc sorted.

Knowing the efficiency of local government in this country, we’ll be doing well to get this boxed off before the end of the month

Tipp will hold the balance of power

I am guessing they’ll have to wait?

Tipp holding the balance of power…by God.
Mick Lowrey could be kingmaker

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Mary Lou will be in for some smear attack tomorrow night.

Wouldn’t be the first time

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There might even be a moratorium on exit polls or would that be too much of a stretch?

I’d say they’ll just plough on as normal with the rest of the constituencies.

Very sad in the circumstances, obviously they need to take the poor woman off the ballot paper etc.

Three humdingers of party political broadcasts on rte one there.


Already postal votes in too for the constituency

That’s a Leoesque reply. Equal measures smug and glib. You’re a natural born blue shirt.

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Very moribund.

Mary Lou -v- Dobbo now on RTE1

Paul Quinn was a tramp.

Unfortunate slip by Mary Lou there

What was the backstory there, pal?

Mary Lou holding up well here despite Dobbo landing a clean blow re the vacant property tax

Nurse, doctor and bed numbers all fell under FF. That’s not investing in a health service. I’m in Beaumont regularly at the moment. The ward I visit is a disgrace. Impossible to find a doctor, talk to a doctor, arrange a meeting etc. There is very poor communication, the patients are highly vulnerable and are left in the dark about their own care half the time. Other times doctors have so little time they fly through things leaving patients unsure of what’s happening. The system is under so much pressure that the care ends up being shit and can’t really be any other way.

A nasty piece of work who had terrorised the local community. Not too many years shed for him around the area despite the barbaric nature of his death.

Look I’m no FF supporter and clearly numbers fell when the wealth of the country fell but prior to that the health budget had doubled in a short number of years.

I suppose my point was that the notion that the problem is purely lack of money is simplistic.

Your argument was simplistic and glib so I suppose I could return your compliment and say it was Mary-Louesque.