General Election 2020 Hub

Cc @TreatyStones

How did Mary Lou get on?

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Stood up to it well.

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This thread is grease lightening with all the posting. All very dull stuff though.

Dobbo had her reeling early doors referencing the Paul Quinn murder, his mother’s demands for an apology and historic comments from Conor Murphy (now Finance Minister in Stormont) that he spoke to senior IRA members who assured him that they weren’t involved. “Should Conor Murphy go to the PSNI and tell them who he spoke to in the IRA?” She was also shaky on vacant site tax early on but composed herself then and did well enough for the remainder of it.

Shenanigans in Wexico

· 1 min ·

I don’t usually single out election candidates, but this is just taking the fucking piss. I was driving along Clonard Road yesterday when I saw a Verona Murphy poster with the slogan “Give Wexford town it’s own TD” written across it. I swear to God, I nearly crashed the car. How can you have the cheek to use that slogan when you’re from Ramsgrange on the other side of the county? It’s a 35KM drive’s for fucksake. But it gets worse - she also has a poster in Clonroche that reads “Give Clonroche it’s own TD” and a poster in New Ross that says “Give New Ross it’s own TD”. She also did the same thing with Kilmore. The woman is either having an identity crisis or she’s trying to mislead gobshites into thinking that she’s from their area.(



And her team has made an it’s / its error on the posters. She seems to be really stupid.


She sounds like the perfect representative for Wexford. I trust you will not let her down


From social media - it would seem most potential SF voters were outraged that she was being asked any questions at all so I’d say she’ll be grand :joy::joy:

you seem triggered by the recent polls, are you worried that society might benefit at your expense if SF get into power?


Matty McGrath has said that he will go to courts to get Tipperary run off on Saturday and if not, the whole election delayed.

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Matty getting shit done McGrath

I’d imagine there are rules or bylaws or whatever for just such a circumstance. Can’t be the first time it’s happened

Mary Wilson was saying on the radio earlier that it’s a strange law in that, if the lady had passed away within 72 hours of the vote, it would go ahead.

It would seem fairly unlikely that SF will be in power after this election so I’m not sure 5 more years of them hurling on the ditch will impact on me or society at all

She’s local and vocal

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This lady, would she have got more than a couple of hundred votes?

Did dead hunger strikers never stand for election or appear on ballot? Can’t see any reason not to go ahead on Saturday and let her get votes

No they were alive. That was the whole point of putting them up for election


They were alive when elected, but died shortly afterwards. The law subsequently changed to disallow prisoners from standing for election and then changed again to allow prisoners to vote.