General Election 2020 Hub

@tallback and @Tim_Riggins are going to be first against the wall



80% down in numbers of insects… Fucking hell

Slab was blackguarded.

People aren’t voting SF on policy. People are voting SF on populist promises and emotion. I’d be happy with FG/SF/Green in coalition. They could act as checks on each other and it would mean more dynamism and boldness in policy but also hard headedness in terms of what was actually possible. I think it would be good mixture.


I like it. Something for everyone

If the 25-34 year olds actually get out and vote, SF will be the story of this election

I still reckon FF and them will end up in a coalition

Was it just a coincidence that your man that testified against him the first time was murdered?

Or was he a cunt as well so it was ok?

When the UN and amnesty are criticising you then something us wrong. Trials should have juries. The SCC should have been scrapped after the sallins train robbery


Did he mean roasters instead of backwoodsmen?

It’s better to not have a jury than for jurors to get murdered after trials as we’ve seen in the past


Shush pal the freedom fighters are quoting the UN so they can’t be touched on this

Don’t Roasters have a certain charm? So, no, backwoodsmen is more accurate

A fiver a week for everyone

So the state can.put who they want in jail without any evidence. Some society that is.

16.5% was the highest any candidate got. He was only 800 odd behind Jim O’Callaghan when he was eliminated. Small margins. A big national swing will put him well over the top. He’d only need to reach about 12/13% in no. 1s. If SF are hitting 20% nationally that should be easy enough to do. He actually transferred well enough, better than Humphreys but it was his no. 1 vote share that let him down.

Thank god for the SCC, along with CAB two brilliant innovations to crush scum

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I’m a serious fan of CAB

And to put innocent people in jail without any evidence