General Election 2020 Hub

Its unbelievably effective, countries throughout Europe are in awe of it

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What are IRA/SF policies?

kill tans.


Jack Chambers severely rattled on Clare Byrne live

Jack Chambers is stage 5 :grinning::grinning::grinning:

Dope in the audience on Claire Byrne referencing China being a great country building a hospital in 10 days.

Bizarre discussion going on now between Claire and Jack Chambers.

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Latest poll shows my luck could be in. I know where to come for tips to pass the time while being bone idle.

It wouldn’t take much, I’d say.

Depressing debate beforehand between anxious farmers and anxious snowflakes.

World is fucked.

When has it put people in jail with no evidence?

the sallins train robbery


Rob the banks rather than have the banks rob us. Literally the Robbin’ Hood approach.

Where is Jack Chambers barnet gone? @tassotti


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FF have thrown in the towel putting this lunatic on stage tonight

Reminded me a bit of the time Vincent Browne had Conor Lenihan driven demented

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That was 45 years ago mate. A jury in 1976 would have convicted solely based on confessions too

He used to look like a Lego man

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Have they security in the studio? I fear for Claire here

Editing my post @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
.just did some googling

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