General Election 2020 Hub

SF transfers will be huge. Anyone have any data on where they transfer traditionally?

No. They won’t get the one they have elected. They could perhaps have got a bigger name elected if they were in instead of Browne from the start but not now


This is transfers from 2016. Based on this FF are getting twice as many transfers from SF as FG. This should give FF a nice seat bonus. Maybe Leo should start to court MLMD tonight.

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Are you suggesting SF have created this opportunity for themselves?


See this from the Times article on the poll yesterday also

I think we are at peak Sinn Fein popularity. We’ll see how Mary Lou holds up tonight but I’d think 31 seats is very optimistic they are only running 42 in total I think?
They’ve no chance in some constituencies. National polls are good and a wave of support will push a few of their marginal seats over the line, but politics is local.

I think they’ve a decent chance in Kerry now for example, where as I would have had him down as a very unlikely chance. But they’ve no chance in Limerick county for example, no matter how high the polls go nationally.


If SF hit even 19% nationally, I don’t know why you assume they wouldn’t get someone elected in Tipperary. The dynamics of that election will be different and McDonald could be riding a wave of popularity. If so she and Gerry Adams will be travelling the length and breadth of Tipperary for a week. SF have a base of 5,700 votes last time to work off. I think the election there being put back is bad news for Alan Kelly.


Old news now, you love sick teenager

It’s not peak SF till Maria Cahill is rolled out. When that happens then we know we are at peak SF. :slight_smile:

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I am not.

I think the Indo has gone back to FF since Dinny sold out? FG at least still has its own radio station.

Pat Kenny asked the Tipperary returning officer would it be possible to parachute high profile candidates into the constituency should they lose seats elsewhere.

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She was his constituency secretary if I remember correctly.

There was only one minister in that constituency back then and it sure wasn’t Noonan

Twas my mother’s father that was the creamery manager by the way.

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Thats not a bad question tbf.

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Fucking big shot

And what did they say?

Given that nominations have to be reopened I can’t imagine there would be anything stopping SF parachuting in Gerry Adams or Lynn Boylan or Liadh Ni Riada if they wanted to. Don’t think they’ll do that though. There will be a lot more attention on Tipp now given it will be a stand alone election. SF will push everything into it especially if they do have a very good election elsewhere. Can’t imagine other party leaders being too popular by then, Varadkar probably won’t even be FG leader by then.

This cunt.

Sap has to rebrand after having his heart broken. Cowardly Italian as usual

He said he didn’t know of any reason why not. He expects to get a new polling date today from the minister and reopen nominations tomorrow with a mooted closing date of February 11th.
Plenty of time for parachutes