General Election 2020 Hub

Poor Jack. FF front bench really is a steaming pile of shite.

Is there now a temptation for S.F. to now run Liadh Ni Riada in Tipp to milk the surge ???

Could they stand Pearse Doherty there if they wanted? nothing stopping them AFAIK ala Peter Casey running in two places. Not sure how it works if you’ve already been elected a week previous though :thinking:

Very much doubt you can be a td for 2 places. FF would have been all over this. CJ would have stood in every constituency

Catty response.

CJ the stander ???

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I’m sickened to see the likes of @Ashman, @Julio_Geordio and @mikehunt all jumping on the SF bandwagon…

Anyway, I think this is an election too early for SF… I had this surge down for the next election but it shows that a lot more people than thought are struggling and are majorly pissed off with what’s happening the country.

the I’m all right Jack crew like @TheUlteriorMotive Have their fingers in their ears and refuse to listen tho.

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I am jumping on no bandwagon . I am voting independent .


You can’t. That’s why that gobshite Casey had to state that he’d represent Donegal and not Dublin West in the parallel universe where he got elected in both.

You’d know all about that seen as you’re a pussy

Pussy, moi?

I’m as stoic as they come.

You can only sit in one, you have to resign the other and a by-election is called

I’ll never vote Sinn Fein but I’m enjoying seeing the cap doffers getting worried.


It better be an electric powered bandwagon. I’m giving the Greens a strong number 3.

Hey you’re just a guy , standing in front of girl asking her to love you. But she told you to fuck off and stop reading Danielle steel novels and laughed in your face

Are male candidates not allowed to talk back to female interviewers now? Jack is a weirdo but the misogyny line is a bit OTT in this case.

Philip Ryan is the Indo’s political hack du jour. Some of his stuff during this campaign has been hilarious. I’d say he’s the sort that obsessively watches West Wing box sets and loves the inane, empty tweets and politics of Pete Buttigieg.

If I were SF, I would be lining up Martina Anderson for Tipperary. What an addition she would be to a front bench.