General Election 2020 Hub

It will be rolled out tonight too.

I’m not sure Gerry Adams going around Tipperary looking for votes would necessarily be a good thing for SF. I take your point though, Mary Lou has links to Tipperary also. Browne is a complete nobody though and there’s every chance SF won’t end up with anything like their opinion poll figures in the GE

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Isn’t Mary-Lou’s father from Aherlow?

Tonight won’t make a blind bit of difference. A sizeable portion want CHANGE they don’t know what that is exactly, or seem to care what realistically can be done in Irish government, they know they just want CHANGE. Any question put to Mary Lou is automatically the establishment trying to block their CHANGE so should be furiously resisted then ignored. Make Ireland great again, just get it done. Pure populism.

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I don’t get the thinking that running Liadh ni Riada would work either, she had a terrible presidential election campaign making a fool of herself in one of the debates and finishing behind even Sean Gallagher

Not 100% on that but it sounds about right

It’s funny/interesting to watch all the twitter users who rubbish trump/Brexit fall into the same mode of thinking - media conspiracy/fake news etc.

Let’s just get change done.


Veering toward him ok. Con would be a great addition though @TreatyStones

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MARY LOU recalls a happy upbringing. “Mine was a happy childhood. My mother’s family – the Hayes’s – were from Aherlow in Tipperary and we used to go there every summer for our holidays. I have two brothers and one sister; I’m in the middle.”

The mother

Yes he is .

@TreatyStones attended a rally for Con in Top of the Town the other night

Yes .

I was imagining the more wildly entertaining spectacle of Eoghan Murphy parading around trying to connect with the Tipp zeitgeist

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That would mean having to categorise who is a contractor… More paperwork.

I think lads are fooling themselves if they think that parachuting in a candidate in Tipp would work. Local politicians working on local issues rule the roost in Tipp.

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Exactly, it would be so funny if anyone tried

Martin Mansergh

The majority of people want to reverse FG policy of transferring wealth from the poor to the rich. The only populism on display is from the likes of FF and FG. O’Broinn and Doherty always back up their figures. They are verified by the DOF.

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Mary Hanafin would actually probably get in but she’s from Tipp and FF are already running 3

They are verified by the DOF.

Christ, this line is getting tiresome from SF.

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