General Election 2020 Hub

Zero chance of Danny Healy-Rae losing his seat IMO.

Michael’s number 2’s alone will see him safe.

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Who are you voting for? I’m always suspicious of anybody who refuses to say who they’re voting for.


Tiocfaidh Arlene

I’d say she definitely felt a flutter when the latest polls came in

Flowers are red young man, and green leaves are green.
There’s no need to see them any other way,
That’s the way they always have been seen

I can’t wait to see Mary Lou and trump shaking hands on Paddy’s day

Danny will be delighted with this they’ll end up with 3 quotas between them now

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No that is just one example. Another example would be the cost of insurance, more money out of ordinary punter’s pockets. Who benefits from FGs failure to tackle the insurance industry? Yes, solicitors barristers etc. It’s pretty straight forward.

Do you want another example?

Yes please

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Insurance fraud needs to be tackled but it’s mostly although not exclusively engaged in by the poor

It’s Largely a transfer of money from insurance premium payers to the poor.

Did Maria Bailey tell you that?

Insurance company executives and FG TDs are anything but poor. And they’re scared witless of Pearse Doherty exposing them.

:joy::joy:i knew you would bite


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Easy trigger lads on here :joy::man_shrugging:t2:

You fucker @Julio_Geordio :smile:

The rent wasn’t one example, rents are up all over the world. And rent and insurance costs are up for everyone, that doesn’t constitute the wealth moved from poor to rich ffs!