General Election 2020 Hub

Morris got those 5700 no 1s, has been a very good councillor for 20+ years. Fell out with SF, that will cost the party a few 100 of those votes. Brown is an unknown, who couldn’t get elected as a councillor last May, I believe he has Zero Chance, though the postponed vote changes things

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Ooooft @anon61878697

Elsewhere, affordability numbers look similarly dire. Throughout Spain, average rents jumped 49% over the past five years, while average salaries rose only 4.3%. In Toronto, a 2019 report found that housing costs over the past decade grew four times faster than income.

It does actually, it really does. The link I provided earlier explains clearly how it happens. I clearly explained it too.

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Rents have fallen this month for first time in eight years. Homelessness falling

Anyone tell me what this logo is supposed to symbolise? More taxis to make up for a terrible public infrastructure and if you can’t afford a taxi then get on your bike?

Increasing supply works but takes time. Who would have thought?

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Hopefully the protest vote realises in time that things are in good nick. I expect not and this is our Brexit.

It’s means we need SEGREGATED cycle lanes.

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To stop trains running over cyclists??

Luas Cross City. Lethal for cyclists.

I’ve just seen another sign of his with 2 leaf like looking things and another with a heart and heart rate. All very bizarre

Paddy Agnew 1981/2 was for all intensive purposes a SF candidate, might have been technically independent?

No it really doesn’t, you have to be more than just say so, you explained that landlords get money from renters. The government has controlled rents in places, is building houses and the lads have links up showing rent is falling. People have to pay for things, the recipient of those payments will make money, yes. That is not a policy of taking from the poor and giving to the rich as you stated its the economy…

It’s depressing to think of all the work put in to clean up the economy and get us all back to work, only for us to hand the keys over to the spend and God will send brigade. (FF & SF) . The IMF will be back by 2030

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Ugggggh damn blueshirts

The wreckers and reckless

Years of austerity gonna be up in smoke due to SF riling up imaginary victim hood

Some great comedy on radio 1 now with the Wexford candidates

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This thread is gonna be off the chain tonight. Server issues incoming.


A good debate on The Last Word about a United Ireland now. SF/FF/FG