General Election 2020 Hub

Has Verona Murphy any chance of getting in?

This Paul Kehoe chap is your typical gombeen politician.

Some good info here. Greens on the same level as FF in Dublin for example!

If she does, it’s down to others ineptness. Malcolm coming across very well. Poor Seanie is out of his depth

David McWilliams podcast this week is good. It’s about election polls statistics

Mass going people are underrepresented in polls all over world. Except Australia because of compulsory voting. In Ireland they tend to vote FF. Pollsters try and adjust for it - it can be a 5 per cent difference.

Average error of opinion poll is 2 per cent. 50 per cent of time they are within 2 and 50 per cent outside 2.

In marginal votes 5 per cent can be a big big difference.

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What we need to look at is increasing term time. I think 5 years is too short for any party to meaningfully do any thing. Even where a party wins a second term, the thinking is still 5 years, or probably much less as they are gearing up for election come year 4… Fuck it, just do away with politians altogether.

What about a rapid increase in homeless families under FG?

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Very cheap shot at Labour here.

Malcolm Byrne was good. He didn’t sound local though, very well spoken.

What do you know? One swallow does make a summer.

Matt Carty spoiled it. Wouldn’t shut up.

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Isn’t Matt a nephew of Brian Carthy

What’s it to you?

Shut up you bollix


Jesus,relax, you’ve lost it…

I say that to everyone off line . You needn’t be offended

you wont make it to Saturday.

Danny looks goosed based on poll on TG4 there now

Is there a family on the streets in ireland tonight? If there is thats unacceptable alright

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