General Election 2020 Hub

Hopefully it’ll move him out in the betting and I’ll have a right cut off him. He’s a cert

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I find it hard to believe this will be the result . .

We will see Sunday .

A friend of mine living in Kerry called this a few weeks back . Said DHR won’t get in

Seanie give me one climate change policy from your manifesto

I just…I just want…everything to improve :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


There’s no chance of a green getting elected in Kerry FFS. I’d like to some details of this poll

Totals 102% ??? Kerry cunts cute :sunglasses:

SF’s Ruairí O Murchú tipped to top polls here in Louth/Meath East. SF expected to retain two seats. Fitzpatrick is gonna lose out, possibly Nash back in


Let the moon shine out along the valley
Where those men who fought for freedom now are lain
May they rest in peace those men who died for Ireland
In the lonely woods of Upton for Sinn Fein

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FG ahead of FF? doesn’t add up based on regional polling results. In fact FG have done better in constituency polls than national ones Galway West and Donegal spring to mind.

Looks like 23% each

FF 48
FG 37
SF 36
Greens 10

Is what my sources tell me. FF and greens government with a confidence and supply arrangement from SF.

Three FF candidates though and just two for FG. Plus FG ran three last time including Jimmy Deenihan who was strong while FF ran only two. So I think the FF vote has grown while FG have lost share in line with the national trend.

That is a fair point but it has been preceded by reduction in rent growth rate. Property prices stopped rising rapidly a while ago.

All good trends but have to be seen in the long-run. Any impact would be seen this way though - not in an overnight drop in rents/prices

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In the Limerick County constituency I’m hearing that the response for Patrick o Donovan and Tom Neville hasn’t been great.

Nearly every poster between Feohanagh and NCW was spray painted. The graffiti altered between “Queer” “Sham” and a few of Patrick o Donovan’s poster had the word “Liar” on them.

The response on the door for Richard O Donoghue has been positive. A lot of people saying they won’t be voting for a party this time around. Worth noting that in 2016, Emmet O Brien and Richard O Donoghue had over 12k votes between them. Emmet is canvassing for Richard this time around. Jerome Scanlan also made a few phone calls for Richard I’m told.

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When will it dawn on voters we have all this money to allow SF make promises because FG have done a good job running the economy causing said voters to then vote FF.


When will it dawn on the really dim posters that FF FG have ruined the state.

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Obviously this isn’t SF’s time for government, an under estimation of the apathy people have towards FF/FG lead them to not running enough candidates or else they’ve run just enough knowing full well this isn’t their time. However if, and there’s a great chance, some description of FF/FG coalition are in power in the next few weeks, SF will probably be the loudest most disruptive opposition we’ve ever had. However long the next government lasts, SF will be in pole position to hoover up whatever votes are required to enter into power on their own. Then we’ll know about change

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You are an economic migrant to this failed State ffs. You don’t believe a word you say. This is the land of milk and honey and 250 quid a week dole.