General Election 2020 Hub

Did they not Penny pinch in the last few budgets when a lot of services and building etc. needed it? …a rainy day fund they said, the market will regulate rents and building and everything else will sort itself out some day.

He’s a rarity in Wexford politics

  • intelligent
  • well spoken
  • educated
  • not a bogger
  • not from a family of politicians
  • local

Just a pity about his party affiliation

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They avoided a give away budget to buy the election. Rents are falling. Homelessness is falling.

FG are handing over an economy in rude health to SF. Please don’t damage it and do fix the health service.

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Fixed your post

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I think Pascal did a decent job… He didn’t have to have a give away budget, but the writing was on the wall in certain sectors and theyre paying for it now.

I’d hold off on celebrating about rents/housing… That’s one report, wait till we have a trend… You knew nothing of it a couple of hours ago and now you’re singing it like it’s been known for months :laughing:

It shows there that DHR also got 4% in that poll in 2016

MHR much higher though

My sources knew for months. It takes a while for these things to percolate.

The Micks want change. It’s not about the economy stupid.

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Danny Healy Rae on 4% is all well and good but after MHR gets elected on the first count he’ll get every transfer.
Also people would be embarrassed to say they are voting for Danny, and well they fucking should be


Just not a normal party im afraid FFS

Is everything he wrote false? Oh lord this is embarrassing

FF and Mary Boyle
FF and the Stardust
FF and that priest down in Offaly
Malcolm McArthur
Years of institutional child abuse under the governments of FF

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On those figures MHR will have a surplus of 3.3%. That won’t be enough to save DHR

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If DHR isn’t elected then I’ll resign my @anon61878697 username from the board.


Good job Fine Fail have never overseen and facilitated sexual and physical abuse of children on an industrial scale.


Are there people running for FF on Saturday involved in the party at that time? Name and shame them