General Election 2020 Hub

You can hold my hand. Just not my knob.

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:astonished: :grinning:

SF as a junior partner will stop them ever being the political force you want them to be.

That’s why on the one hand it would be good for them to be a junior partner, to lance the boil.

Then again, we’d have the moral stain of SF in our government.

It’s a conundrum.


He did indeed. He shot Hubert and Ned shot Noel above in the Dublin Mountains

I’m not sure about that. Labour/greens/pds were all rinsed by a bigger party but it’s not neccessarily the case. Junior partner while they gain experience of government would be a very good option. And then knowing when to pull the plug over the right issue to Maintain support…

Bro - what do you make of all this Paul Quinn stuff?


You can’t be one in our system, or many others for that matter.

You either get the blame for not fulfilling your nicely nice policies or your policies are squeezed.

This has happened repeatedly in Ireland for a century.

You won’t grow to be a big beast politically that way. For Labour, going into government in 2011 was a disaster. It would have suited them (and the country long term) to have been the main opposition. Labour survives because of a core of trade union support and finance.

SF are a populist party that will “betray” people when in Government. That’s inevitable.

He wrote a very measured book years ago called Jiving at the Crossroads. At the time he identified as rural Fine Gael. I think he began to turn a bit odd around the time of his break up with Sinead O Connor and became by turn pro fathers rights, anti feminist and then out and out batshit.


It was an excellent book,

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Waters stated that he ‘didn’t believe in the existence of depression’.

I know that depression is ‘sexy’ now but still - what a cunt of a view.

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Stupid comments - that’s the type of stuff I mean by naive … I dont know enough about the murder — It was a personal dispute with some ra lads involved. But I believe Quinn was a known scut ? But still, everything in this day and age will come back to you… I issed the Dobbo interview so I wasnt sure at the time what Mary Lou was clarifying last night. But I thought she handled it relatively ok and kept it sombre and not as a chance to score points.

He’s the same as Gemma in that they were both turfed out of the mainstream press.

Lot of blame from both of them towards the establishment press.

+1. And this is genius self-sabotage from the shadowy figures in charge of Sinn Féin.

Make no mistake - this is an election to lose alright and they were in danger of being in government.

The Deirdre Hargey bargy over Robert McCartney and Conor Murphy’s comments about Paul Quinn have decisively put paid to that possibility.

I understand it was agreed over the weekend that MLMD would deny Murphy made the comments on Monday’s Dobbo interview and then backtrack last night. It’s worked a treat - Seán O’Rourke had almost an entire programme devoted to it this morning.

Another 4/5 years to build up the party and allow the Ra to drift further into the past, have far more candidates than 42, cast a few headbangers aside, ensure the likes of Lynn Boylan and Liadh Ni Riada are on the ticket next time and they’ll be good to go.

Vótáil Social Democrats.


We just need to move Mary Lou on before 2025.

I think Murphy’s comments were shocking when he said that he went to Ra lads and they told him it was criminal related matter.

What was he thinking?

  • Further promoted the notion that there is a Ra element operating in criminality, direct or indirectly, and they are his buddies.
  • Brought the whole policing issue to the fore as well, in that he, as an elected Sinn Fein representative decided to hang Quinn out to dry on the basis of what his former IRA buddies told him. No need for the police.
  • Extremely insensitive to the parents of a lad who got an utterly horrifc death.

Whether or not Quinn was a scut isn’t the issue. They were disastrous comments by Murphy.


Has there ever been a government which wasn’t “morally stained”? In terms of the type of moral stains which you refer to, every government which contained somebody involved in the Civil War was morally stained - and that encompassed everything up to at least Lemass. Then we had Haughey and the stickies in Labour etc.

In the context of the north they are probably normal comments … all paramilitaries are regularly quizzed and talked to about legacy issues.

Down here, yes, a complete 100% disaster.

I don’t think so mate. I think even there they would not go down well at all - particularly the attempt to link Quinn to criminality and almost justify his death on that basis.

We have come a long way from those times thankfully.

All out media assault on the Shinners today from the establishment. Reminiscent of the way the right wing press in Britain went after Corbyn in the closing week of the election.