General Election 2020 Hub

After a decade in power, for the FGers, it’s always somebody else’s fault, no personal responsibility, eternal victimhood, that’s Trump style populism for you, whinge, whinge, whinge.

Seen as we are digging up old posts how about this beauty.

How are the homeless numbers in Dublin pal? Have we gone below the magic 52? And how are we managing with all them pesky immigrants? Highest rate in Europe of immigrants so we have.

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Are you tryin to talk normally now after posting like a complete fool a few back? What age are you.

It was 92 rough sleepers, maybe less now. You of course, never gave a figure, but assured us there was 50 around a five a side pitch in raheny.

Yes we have the highest increase in rate of immigrants in the past 25 years, and the highest rate in the EU now the government never increased housing or services to match this. That was my point, ive explained it a few times bit it doesn’t register, you just don’t understand it. I can do no more really.

Did you get rode down by the 5 aside pitch?

who owns this forehead on RTE1?

What? Is there a secret group for skangers who grew up in council houses or what has you joining in? When are you gonna thank tax payers for your upbringing you ingrate.

It’s strange that Fine Gael’s failure on housing is what’s prompted you to vote for them. Very strange.

Sneering again, oh dear.

says the chap from Gort :laughing: … Your anger now makes sense.

Stuff that impacts nearly everybody every single day like standard of health service and cost of housing/living have been completely mismanaged by FG. Just look at that Cianan Brennan article in the Examiner where the facts are laid out free of bluster.

They’ve failed abysmally versus their 2016 manifesto promises - in several instances not carrying out the actions they said they would, in others being way behind the target metrics.

The number of people on trolleys has skyrocketed, as has the number of homeless people and the cost of renting or owning a house.

Yet they’re perceived in some quarters as the safe pair of hands. Baffling, even more so if it’s by people paying through the roof for a room in a house share or something. It reminds me of that study (which I may be making up) concerning UK folk most negatively impacted by tory policies voting for them anyway. The aspiring classes, as it were. You are literally worse off because of them, but you’re rewarding them anyway.

Stuff like the Special Criminal Court (retain, review, abolish…whatever) will have no impact whatsoever on the lives of 99.985467% Irish people. Don’t be swayed by diversionary tactics.

Vótáil Sinn Féin.

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Im not from gort. But you’re from a kip in limerick provided by FFG, they literally housed you and this is the thanks they get, you putting out chairs at meetings for populist fools.

Having a load of Brazilians come to your town probably isn’t good for one’s self esteem in terms of bodily attractiveness.

Ah stop, a part time job in a meat packing factory in Gort and being ordered around by a load of Brazilian lads. No wonder you howl at the moon every night…

I knew i hit a nerve there. sorry it was a bit too personal. You got nothin so keep going with the gort line.

The answer to the Special Criminal Court question is:

“We will not apologise for supporting Amnesty International. We will not apologise for supporting the UN. We will not apologise for supporting the Irish Council for Civil Liberties. The scandal is that so insular is the Irish establishment that we are the only party who supports them. It’s a highly auxiliary issue that’s has no effect on the lives of the great majority if Irish people’s lives and it’s being used to deflect from the issues that matter.”.


Ah lovely… The ‘I know you are, but what am i’ retort… You’re an offal man.

I see Sinn Féin have Gerry Adams touring the constituencies where they’ll be touch and go for a seat - Wexford yesterday with Johnny Mythen and Carlow / Kilkenny today with Kathleen Funchion. Where will he be tomorrow?

Good framing. I am now satisfied with Sinn Fein’s stance on law and order.