General Election 2020 Hub


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Doherty dealt with that a lot better than Mary Lou did.


Pearse Doherty “Paul Quinn was not a criminal” @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy won’t like that one

They’ll be doing very well to be the second biggest party, not to mind the biggest.

The Provos stood up and took arms to defend their communities when The Free State turned its back on northern nationalists as it came under sustained attack by a loyalist pogrom.

I will always appreciate what they did. The free state establishment have blood on their hands.


If Doherty was leading the party, Sinn Fein would be looking at 38-40 seats.

they’ve won the hearts and minds of the people… They are now the biggest party on the island.

Someone posted on the INTERNET today that FF and FG could end up with near as many seats in 2020 and they die in 2016 . We will see .

The southern establishment caused the troubles… The British state threw petrol on the flames.

Pearse has been the most impressive performer throughout the course of this election. You can see the 2 boys either side of them are reluctant to become embroiled in a debate with him.

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What is your take on the 1986 Sinn Fein Ard Fheis fulvio ?

Coveney is interrupting him plenty. Calleary seems to be going after Coveney more than Doherty which is a smart move

Interesting idea - will SF just largely eat the vote of previous left/independent candidates

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Pearse… Oh captain my captain.

I’m an abstentionist, I don’t vote. We should have upped it and put the heat on the Brits, the East Tyrone and South Armagh brigade would have done it for us but there were leaks from insider, the East Tyrone brigade was practically wiped out and the the leak of the shipment against Libya was the gamechanger. Had we liberated East Tyrone and South Armagh and turned them into no go zones for the Brits then the game was up.

What happened, happened.

Oooooftttt Calleary with the knock out blow.

Was Ruairi O Bradaigh correct ?

Quite a funny finish to the debate there. They were going to give them each 20 seconds for a closing statement but they kept arguing and had to abandon it