General Election 2020 Hub

I think Jim Lynagh and Padraig McKearney had the military strategy to win the war but the leadership had taken another path.

O’Bradaigh was a good and honourable man but I don’t think he had the strategic know how when it came to winning a war.

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Pearse for taoiseach 2025.

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Maybe but this wasn’t about “winning a war “ . It was about recognition of a the free state parliament .

As I said, I’m an abstentionist - I don’t vote, I don’t recognise the states. I don’t believe the military campaign should have been scaled down then, the war was certainly winnable and the Provos had the stragetic acumen in their ranks to ramp it up on the Brits.

But I don’t O’Bradaigh at the helm would have achieved this.

I’m not sure about that. Mary Lou being a woman has been a big deal in terms of feminising Sinn Fein’s appeal. Pearse backing up Mary Lou is like the bruiser of a security detail shadowing Rihanna, except Mary Lou isn’t as attractive as Rihanna and Pearse is also very good at debating finance and insurance and things like that.

I’m pretty sure it was widely used by the Scottish independence campaigners during the referendum in 2014.

Anthony Hartnett



Tan cunt

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Pearse Doherty made one huge factual error in this campaign - Paul Quinn was definitely a smuggler.


Since the economic crash, bar the 2011 annihilation, Fianna Fáil have been ballpark 25% in every election, local, general and European. With a skewed IRA/SF vote this time around with too few candidates, seat conversion will be out of kilter. They’ll hardly get anywhere near the exceptional 28% conversion bonus that Fine Gael got in 2011 but Fianna Fáil will be the largest party with somewhere around 52-53 seats.

The attempt to create no go zones or as some would have had it, areas under republican rule was an error. No way these zones could have been held against a concerted Brit effot (cf Operation Motorman) The War of the Flea IMHO was the way to continue with a refiniment of the cell structure. What destroyed the Provos was their very own security\vetting system - Magee and Scappaticci who were both Brit agents. S Armagh & E Tyrone vetted their own so the destruction of E Tyrone should be questioned

I was imagining today, Leo Varadkar, Micheal Martin, Eoghan Harris, Sean O’Rourke, the editorial team of the Irish Independent and all the other establishment lackies, all sitting around a boardroom table, pulling their hair out in frustration, trying desperately to think up ways to stop Sinn Fein. They all stare at a white-board and Micheal Martin says “Is that all we have!?”. And on the white-board in big letters it just says “MORE MARIA CAHILL”.

Those are my thoughts, I’m going to bed.


SF have been very lucky they have ran so few candidates . Utterly haunted if you stand back and think about it .

It depends on the gap to other parties. If SF are the second largest party in vote share, I suspect FF will get a decent-ish seat bounce given that SF only have 42 candidates.


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Imagine being a Donegal man and speaking with a Donegal accent. Shocking stuff.


A’reet bood?

Regina Doherty on Newstalk, in an attempt to rebut Matt Carthy, just said ‘most people of our generation grew up in a council house’.

Relax buddy - it’s all craic

Classic blue shirt reaction to being called out as a snob.

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Most of us didn’t get 280k worth of debt written off and then get a job telling people that there’s no money.