General Election 2020 Hub

My pal in Kerry called it weeks ago when he said DHR will struggle. Best case scenario is he will scrape over the line for final seat but this fella didn’t think so.

Have we any Kerry posters here, or are they too busy off making money to be spending idle time on the INTERNET?

Complete liars but that is irrelevant to their support base who want free stuff, sorry CHANGE

With no concept that a strong economy is needed to pay for things, the general belief being ‘sure the government has loads of money’

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Has Leo made any comment on whether or not Murphy and Harris would continue in their ministries if they got back into power?

He may well struggle . I don’t know but all I will say is if the two get back their votes for Taoiseach will be valuable

In that poll that came out the other day which put DHR on 4% it showed that he was also on 4% on the same poll in 2016

Not directly but said the only minister guaranteed their spot is Simon Coveney & Helen McEntee (i.e. Brexit ministers)

Of course he hasn’t. No leader would speculate in any way about their future cabinet

Edit: @tallback has suggested he has about other ministers. Strange behaviour

Doherty is gone. Second FG seat in a three seater, no way is she taking it.

Harris is the first FG seat in a five seater, would be very surprised if he loses. Andrew Doyle will probably lose. I still think Stephen Donnelly is under big threat there.

I wonder are there odds for FG not getting two seats in any of the 39 constituencies. Very good chance that will happen in my view.


I was looking like 28/29 at one point- but a bit of project fear from the establishment over the last week has probably taken a little gloss off things … still, 25 would be a great return. Some commentators, some of whom are very close to home, had written the party off after the local/Euros.

Good riddance to the cunt

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Are you in favour of banning unpaid internships?

This will be his third successive election under a different banner.

2011 - Independent
2016 - Social Democrats
2020 - Fianna Fail

I know they would not normally do that, but given the two lads seem to be toxic among the electorate it might have made him some ground back. A noncommittal comment about shaking things up might have done.

Donnelly is a political slut. :slight_smile:

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Sure we learned in the last couple of days that SF signed off on the housing targets in 2016 and of the 100,000 houses they plan to build - 50,000 are basically Murphys plan.

He came in to the race at the very last minute in 2016 . He is a sitting TD this time .

Donnelly is the sort who would have joined the PDs had they still been around.

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FYI - It’s now 2020.