General Election 2020 Hub

I didn’t say it had anything to do with Slab. It’s just very funny what you’ll forgive when it’s a good IRA man involved

You all set mate, read the manifestos, test the promises, assess the personalities, then vote for SF no matter what

Why would I read manifestos?? :laughing:

Has a party ever followed through with one? Bless your innocence.

You mentioned a torture chamber and Slab, an utterly bizarre and completely irrational comment if you weren’t making that connection.

But but but the transformative CHANGE

So now you admit SF are full of shit and won’t deliver any promises, why vote for them?

I’m here for the gaffs.

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Slab had a torture chamber on his farm yet you said he was blackguarded here last week. Paul Quinn has every bone in his body broken and all you have is hearsay and an attempt to justify the murder

We created this mess , we can fix it

any gaffs going?

Making out FG created the mess is a bit unfair now though isn’t it?

Paul Williams must love halfwits like yourself.

It’s gotten worse under them…the figures are there for all to see. They can’t continue to blame FF, that was 2 governments ago.

What figures??

gis a gaff…

The IRA must love halfwits like yourself


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

I don’t need a hand out mate,

Im willing to pay more tax to see young people have a chance of owning a house and bettering themselves, for a better health service and reduced trolley counts. Im willing to pay more tax for a United Ireland but that’s for another day.

SF want to put more money in the pockets of people earning less than €100k, they want to tax people over €100k and then more over €140k.

Do you think people earning more are going to jump on a plane and leave the country rather than pay 5% more or earnings more than €140k??? eh no, .those super rich people that would move aren’t here anyway!!

SF want to get rid of the tax on the family home, which most people pay big mortgages on and for the elderly people who have paid for their house over many years. Should the family home be taxed, should elderly people who don’t want to leave their homes be punished for paying a mortgage, raising their kids and staying in their home house? no. its their home, it shouldnt be taxed.

SF want to tax banks, vulture funds and big business. Banks and Vulture Funds pay zero tax! Will they move if they have to pay tax…No! its normal to pay tax.

SF want a rent freeze and one months rent back.
Christ we are in a housing crisis and a rental mess, a three year freeze to calm prices, for mostly young people, is again a good policy, and not unconstitutional.

Our little fellas Montessori has told us we are grand for next year but they cant guarantee the year after due to insurance. The girls there earn fuck all. Its practically a government run scheme to reduce child care costs being done on a shoe string and now they are getting hit with higher costs, mainly insurance.

Who has taken these guys on? Pearse Doherty SF!!

And as for any poor divil trying to live on €160 a week. I dropped into Super Valu on the way home on Wednesday and spent €140 on fuck all. We’ve still to do a shop tomorrow or Sunday. Fuck me, €160 a week. in the words of P Flynn, try it some time.

People on long term unemployment benefit due to circumstances deserve respect and a half decent life, those on job seekers deserve respect too. €200 a week is about right.

@maroonandwhite you are typical Irish, the I’m alright so I don’t give a fuck about my neighbour. Well, I hope you never fall on bad times, and I hope you actually bought that house in wonderful Lucan, but Christ if you are a civil servant renting in Dublin and voting FG I despair…


The Health Service has gotten worse? Really? Has it though?

The Economy? No, that has gotten astronomically better.

Housing/Rent: A crisis caused directly as a result of the crash. People want to wave a magic wand at it but it’ll take time to get right, simple as that.

FF 55
SF 34
FG 30
Green 10
Lab 6
Soc Dem 5
Others 20

Nah, you, that fool that hides behind rocko and the pretend Italian haven’t bothered reading my posts, you just have to have someone to rail against to try sound haughty, I’m more than happy to have more equality and i believe governments should provide more. But a good left wing party could accomplish that. I’ve no interest in criminal scum like ellis, o snodaigh and more getting in and getting favours done for the boys in the old brigade.

What will you do when SFs promises come to nothing? Will you hold them to account or like a few on here will you just vote for them for ever while giving out about FFG voters who do the same.