General Election 2020 Hub

The nastiness is never too far from the surface with you fascist SF types im afraid. Coke and horse riding, and pretending you are a working class hero online. What a bizarre personality.

Class is bullshit!! English shit, Middle class/Working class/ middle England, the high street??

Its all bullshit, no one in Ireland every shopped on a high street and there is no middle class.

If you work, you are working class !!!

And you don’t have to be on the bones of your arse to have consideration and empathy to help those who are.

And you don’t have to vote for scum to do that either. SD or PBP don’t have that risk and baggage.

SD ???, Baggage ?

Catherine Murphy was a member of the Workers Party ffs.

@anon61878697, have you no history books this lad could borrow.

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Fabulous rhetoric but when, can you discern the decade/year when this might happen.
Meanwhile, enjoy your current, very current poll ratings, because, like all things bright and beautiful, the cold winds of harsh realities, economic, health and housing programmes require state funding. This funding is paid for by the taxpayer, not the National Irish Bank of the leaky vault in another jurisdiction, no sir, by you and the majority of this fine forum.

This rush to Sinn Féin is a thing of imagination, a green ribbon day for Paddy. A populist whim, augmented by a few journos with axes to grind. Not a bad idea in the main, the traditional parties need kicking, now and again, but the thought of Sinn Féin heading a Government is another century away.

But I like your ambitions and aspirations. You have plenty like-minded political aspiants here, Green loving wannabee cyclists, smoke-free BBQs and assorted headcases. Did you ever eat a cabbage burger… They’re the future…

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Dear Christ., Maroon is still in the game…

I’m out… Phew…


Did the neighbour drop around earlier with the potato syrup?

That was a fantastic post. If you weren’t a FF hardliner i would have given it a like.

@anon67715551 , I said earlier, I don’t think they will get in this time!

Do I think they’d be pragmatic? Yes because they have been in the Dail for the last 10/15 years and know the craic, they are inside the tent!! they have serious intelligent lads in the party and I don’t think they would arrive in one morning and want to nationalise google.

They’d have a social conscious and move things slowly but decisively. FF in disguise!!

I’ve been a single party man with a vote since the general election of 1965.My vote or opinion hasn’t changed since then and I’ve been an active campaigner for 40 odd years.
There have been bad calls throughout those 40 years, none of them intentional and many of them reversed with afterthought.
Aside from that, FF have made and seen through many tremendous progressive advances in this country. The foremost and most lasting of these is the family succession act of about 1973.
I’m only up because of a bell from Herself, but if you can recall or recount a better act introduced by a Government in the history of the State come back to me.

I’m a FF man, always have been. We’ll head the next Government, but I enjoy the opinions of others insofar as they concur with mine. The best of luck to your candidate of choice…

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Let’s go

Let’s get change done.


Remember Pearse in Greece. Greece now has an unemployment rate of 17 per cent. The UN are reporting on poverty in Spain.

Don’t be too complacent about the jobs and the economy under left wing policies.


Free secondary education. FF did introduce that.

Free third level education. Labour with FF.

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3 grand a year is not free third level education despite them calling it a ‘Free Fees Scheme’


When it was introduced in 1996 it opened up college to a demographic for whom it was not really an option before or people who thought it wasn’t. I think it changed things a lot. Any row back on that is not good.

“National trend?”


I just read there that Sean Haughey is the Fianna Fáil spokesman on Foreign Affairs.


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I’d say Sinn Féin are unlikely to gain seats in Kildare North & South, Longford / Westmeath, Tipperary and then touch and go in the likes of Mayo and Wexford. I’m thinking 28ish rather than 34.