General Election 2020 Hub

The Rainbow Coalition had succeeded the Brendan Smyth Coalition by 1996.

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1965 it was Boxty. That’s how long it’s been since FF were progressive. That and the free education are over 50 years ago. It’s over half a century since they were a progressive party.


Portugal? Also, it was the right wing government fucked Greece.


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Wait til brexit kicks in.

Ms Goode has an eye on some 3 bed villa with swimming pool. They’ll be cheap as chips this time next year!!


You mean you haven’t one yet ???

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He has…his wife wants one too.

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free apart from the 3k fee :grinning:

Vote Green to save the planet guys
Vote no 2 SF to create a progressive United Ireland Guys


This. The problem with Irish politics in one sentence…

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yep, after they destroyed the economy and forced 100000s to emigrate he still voted for them

I always thought it ridiculous and I always like the far off destinations but that changes with kids, I’d be happy with my own place in the sun.

The Ms could go over for two or three months in the summer, I could work 14/15 hour days without her complaining I’m never at home. I’d pop over at the start of the summer for a week and then at the end. Everyone would be happy.

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our musician mate has one

It’s the way forward. Bring on brexit.

wouldnt mind a two up two down in mooloolaabaa myself

Hadn’t planned to, is this an invitation?

Of course, grab the monkey suit.

You’re on :+1:

You coming @Mullach_Ide?