General Election 2020 Hub


Bring it on!

@anon67715551 fought in the GPO, you won’t change him. It’s lads like @johnnysachs And @the_man_himself who vote FF no matter what because their Mammy and daddy did that’s the problem.


Lads who’ve seen the bright lights of Karlsruhe and still vote FF.


I have two voting cards and I intend to use them .

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You’re in Limerick county mate, we’ve been through this

It’s all well and good having two votes, wasting one vote is bad enough but not learning from the first mistake is unforgivable


:heart_eyes: Democracy

I’m a bit concerned @maroonandwhite might not regain consciousness at all today after the e hiding he took last night. If anyone has his number please check in on him. It would be a shame if he didn’t vote. Them blueshirts are going to need every vote they can get.


This is a very nasty side to you.

Has voting been reported as “brisk” yet?

It’s not Election Day until that is uttered. And Paschal Sheehy reporting about a tea time rush, whereby some polling station in west Cork was only polling at around 18% up to lunch time.

The Saturday voting could really turn things on it’s head though, early morning rush and quiet from 7pm to close.

She’s a farmer too :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

We need a photo of a nun voting.

The polling stations will be getting busier after Saturday evening mass.

I’ve never voted FF mate. I am a champagne socialist.

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Aye, the day women were allowed vote was a disaster for the country

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He is well able for it. He is like a badger. You couldn’t hurt the cunt

It’s because he is a simpleton

You’re a good lad.

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