General Election 2020 Hub

The lads that go around canvassing/supporting them in rural areas are their biggest issue

That’s “journalists” for ya

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This fella couldn’t get elected as a councillor, is that right?

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Mythen was canvassing in Gorey with Mary Lou last Saturday. Their entourage was nothing but a bunch of little toerags.


I dunno about this country sometimes :man_shrugging:t2:

He was a councillor before and narrowly missed out on the final seat in the last GE. As @Gman said he was annihilated in the local elections and then the bye election for Mick Wallace’s seat. I’m hoping that common sense prevails somewhere. FF running 4 candidates in the county could really fuck them up

I do

That’s also bone-headed

Last seat is going to be an absolute bearpit in Kildare South, FF did some poling that showed there’s less than 1.5% first preferences between 5 candidates for the last spot. Fiona McLoughlin Healy (Ind) will be very transfer friendly, I think she might sneak it if it’s that close.

Cc @anon61878697


Pedantry is a much undervalued quality.

A dinner dance in Malin Village last night was being blamed for the slow morning polling there. :grinning:

The Micks have an awful drink problem

Anyone who hasn’t voted twice today isnt up to much.


I voted 11 times.


John Finucane MP was part of the entourage.

A great guy too.

'Tis gas all the same how leaving FG (as she did) or FF can con the electorate and set you up with a handy number for life. Ex FF or FG “independents” never lose once they get in. O’Flynn in Cork North Central is another of this gombeen gene pool to keep an eye on.

Weak bladdered lad.

You should have asked him if he ever shat himself on a walk home.

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