General Election 2020 Hub

They were very happy with the by-election performance. It was a respectable showing rather than an annihilation. It re-established him after the council elections shocker.

That being said, you often get no consistency from local/European to national elections. Seems like it might have flipped over for Sinn Féin this time.

They were buzzing after the Europeans a few years back when Boylan, Carthy and Ni Riada were all elected and 22 TDs in the general election after that, although an increase, was probably a bit disappointing. This time they got a bit of a kicking in the locals/Europeans last year but it’s looking much more positive for the election.

Political guru Ming Flanagan who’s been canvassing with his favoured left wing candidates in a large tract of the country in recent weeks from Donegal to Galway to Roscommon to Cavan / Monaghan to Longford / Westmeath thinks the SF vote might be understated in the polls. :anguished:

The brother in law isn’t voting… I’ve to go back out now in the cunting lashing rain and get his polling card and use his card… Princess is abroad with the car so I’ve to throw on the oil skins.

Thats 4 votes for #gaffs today.

Galway Anti Racism Network

7 mins ·

GARN are shocked and disappointed to learn about events today concerning Joe Loughnane. Joe’s actions were inexcusable and GARN does not condone his behaviour. He has stepped down from GARN. We send our solidarity and support to the young woman involved. GARN wishes to make no further comment at this stage.

Turnout here doesn’t look anything special, I’m always quite sceptical of talk of supposed massive turnout:

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The turnout was always going to be much bigger earlier in the day on a Saturday

My impression is that political anorak types often read way too much into local and European election results. General elections are different ball games altogether, it’s like the difference between a league game in February and the All-Ireland in September, although obviously in political terms the equivalent of the All-Ireland is in February.

I reckon it will be Lower. Less structured day so lots of people who intend to vote won’t. Weather won’t help.

Jobstown 37 per cent. That won’t go much higher.

Turn out to be the same as usual.

Winter election as well, if you can vote in daylight hours you probably will.

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People don’t take euro or council elections seriously. Councillors are unimportant local busy bodies and MEPs while important are distant to voters.

People who tend to vote vote i’spose.

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I’m rostered in from 8pm to poll closing to get the SF vote out in Edenmore, Coolock and Darndale. Lots of driving folk to and from the polling station. Any prospective SF voters in that neck of the woods give me a shout via PM and I’ll pick you up. Let’s get change done.


Absolutely. And yet there are people out there saying SF have no hope of winning certain seats because of poor local election performance, it’s irrelevant. Not all politics is local, the majority of people don’t follow politics closely and the SF surge is national which could lead to some major surprises.

I remember in the old days FF would have lads in keeping a record of who has voted at another desk at polling station.

I did it for an election or two for a few Bob. Aul lad was a big Charlie H supporter. He is as fond of that memory as his grandfather being in the RIC. He is lucky there was no INTERNET.

If you had not voted by 5pm you would be driven over. Does that still happen?

It sure does.

SF run it like…a military operation.

Uh oh.



Do they keep a record though.
Is that not banned ?

I’d mark off people from a copy of the official register back in the day

@dodgy_keeper has been flat out all day collecting ROD voters in the truck and getting them to their respective polling stations.

He must have worked very hard since the Enniscorthy electorate voted him off the County Council last June in 8th place with 800 odd votes.

I’ve heard commentators say local and general election results are correlated. This was probably true when we had a two and a half party system and turnout was much higher. Unlikely to be true in modern era.

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