General Election 2020 Hub

A little below expectation alright but margin of error is a bigger factor at that level.

They’ll still have a better election than any previously but they haven’t managed to really capture the votes like they hoped.

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Micky Martin could resign if it’s a poor showing and clear the way for it

FF will get twice as many transfers from the healthy SF surpluses as FG, so I suspect they will definitely have more seats in the end.

Not if they just marked the 1

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Fine Gael top dogs, just about.

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They won’t be capturing votes or carbon it seems

Labour need to put down

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It’s about expected. The question is will their actual vote hold up to the exit poll. I’d guess it will be down up to 1.5 points. But they will be transfer friendly. And because the major parties have polled a historically low vote, they could be in the hunt in a lot of places. This is incredibly difficult to call in terms of seats.

The realist view would say that FF will end up on 25% and SF on 20% with FG polling about the same as the exit poll.

That or Martin has to walk as leader and what’s left of FF will go in.

PDs 2.0

Cant see that happening…despite the shit campaign Id still consider him more capable than pretty much any other FF TD. And if FF are gonna be leading the government we may as well benefit from a Cork taoiseach for a few years!

What price were FG most seats?

And Leo next Taoiseach?

Miraculous if he pulls it off. @TheUlteriorMotive @tallback and @maroonandwhite never stopped believing.


Denise Mitchell TD. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Labour have existed since before the foundation of the state. They’ll be back, but they’d want to go way and start again

Election time is erection time

I would say it’s still unlikely FG will have the most seats

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Tipped up at evens on the election betting thread. Free money!


FF and FG polled under 45% between them on the exit poll. As a certain N. Gallagher sang, little by little.

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75% turnout in Ardagh (Limerick County)
73% turnout in Monagea (Limerick County)