General Election 2020 Hub

Jack Chambers on radio 1, advising of health warnings as FF tend to over preform when the votes are counted

There should be a health warning when Jack Chambers appears on television or radio.


Ive only been a FG supporter for 72 hours and already the party is soaring


They’re fucked, fold up the tent. Move on.

They need to lead the formation of a Centre Left Movement imo. There is a market for what Lab, Socialist & various Independents could provide numbers wise to matter nationally.

FF, FG & SF now are the establishments which matter but there is room in the Inn for a united Left movement.


IRA/SF will finish third as they simply didn’t run enough candidates to capitalize on vote share. Fine Gael probably have better vote management but Fianna Fáil more likely to pick up any IRA/SF votes floating around, albeit by the circuitous route.

Time to back your bags tan boy. We’re coming for you.

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You’d imagine that FF would manage it better. Then again they have me feiners like Willie O’Dea.

I’ve already got a mobilization order to be prepared to round up those on the list at short notice

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The future. That’s 46.9% voting for combination of SF/Greens/Social Democrats and PBP


FG have been fighting a rear guard action so I’d imagine they weren’t overly ambitious in trying to get seats, so might leave a few behind in trying to protect what they have.

If those numbers are correct, I predict there’ll be a couple of big casualties in FF as big names tried to drag someone in with them.

Willie knew. He has his finger on the pulse

SF be hoping no government is formed and another election which would see them mount an all out attack of reserve candidates.

SF 22.3
FG 21.1
FF 14.0
Green 12.9
Labour 8.1
Soc Dem 6.1
PBP 7.0
IND 5.6

A few FF seats could be surprisingly under threat - I’m looking at Jack Chambers in particular. No seat in Dublin Central maybe.


Disastrous for Martin.

Lab & SD nipping at FF in Dublin. Who would ever have thought that?

Any lad who gets involved with college politics needs a long look in the mirror.


They’re running 3 candidates in dun laoghaire FFS :smile:

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Greens are proper fucked if they are only getting 13% in Dublin

Shout about FFG refusing to form a government…more anger. More mobilization.