General Election 2020 Hub

Kelly will have the first preferences. And even Tipp folk who wouldn’t have him first respect his work for Tipperary. He’ll be fine. Sherlock is one of the most disappointing fuckers ever as a national politician, but is apparently a great local politician, we’ll see. I had always thought Humphries should have a shot but the sf wave will fuck him.

RTE lied about the exit poll

Real figures just released

SF now number 1

We’ll see about Kelly but he only barely had them last time on a 6.6% national vote - the exit poll knocks a full two points off that and 3.6% in Munster is a disastrous figure. If I had to bet I’d say he’ll lose. SF figure looks too high and FG figure has held up. There’s a seat there for FF and Seamus Healy while he probably won’t get in is also competition. My feeling about Kelly is that he’ll have pulled very few votes south of Thurles, SF’s candidate is from Cashel, which is a nice geographical placement in a county like Tipp, it’s south but not too far south, they’ll have done particuarly well in the south of the county and the national swing will mean they’ll get votes all over.

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The first count reported last time was at 2.47 but if turnout is up it might take longer. They really start to roll after 4. I’d be in situ for about 3.30, you won’t have missed much at that stage

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Apparently she milkshaked Justin Barrett. She sounds like a keeper, and I’m not being ironic, I’d admire anybody who milkshaked that Nazi shit.

Ah jaysus your out and about,fair play to ye.Making excuses for drug dealers now, what would Bernie say about that.Is Joe a Bernie Bro too?

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You can abuse anyone according to @maroonandwhite as long as its over 12 months. Not sure how that would play with Bernie though

The country is utterly fucked if Sinn Fein get in. These clowns couldn’t run a tractor run not to mind a country. They’ll tax everybody that’s successful and give it all to dole head lay About types. I can’t see any social problems coming at all. There’s a bleak recession coming.


Worse than the crash that happened under a

FFG have had their fair share of recessions, time someone new got a chance

They’ll finish the country. Most of the problems nowadays like the homeless is Europe’s fault anyway. Sinn Fein are the greatest bunch of failures. it’s incredible that even by default they never managed to get into power before. They’ve promised everybody this that and the other. They’ll deliver nothing just destroy anybody that’s trying to do business in the country.

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I wonder has a party that promised everybody this, that and the other ever got into government in Ireland before? :grinning:


Do you pay taxes?

There is a feel of early 30’s Germany to all this

What a day for northern nationalists. We’re not here to take part. We’re here to take over.



This is very dull

but people actually think these clowns will deliver. The country can’t run on a fucking Ferris wheel. If Sinn Fein are in power Ireland will no longer be a country to do business in. Everybody that is successful will leave and the economy will fall apart. The average dole head simpleton thinks the rich are his enemy and slapping them with ridiculous taxes will improve his life. He couldn’t be more wrong. We’ve a bizarre culture to attack the successful types in Ireland.


Ireland is one country in Europe where that is not the case.

Britain, Italy, Poland, Hungary, France to an extent, and Germany itself, not so much. I’m not even mentioning Russia or Turkey, even though I have now mentioned them.

Paddy love a bit of begrudgery so he does

FFG destroy enough businesses as it is. Only chance is some connection or brown envelope to succeed. The cranes popping up all over Dublin Galway and the likes are Europes ‘fault’ too. Stop trying so hard, you’ll ruin your Saturday night in the pub