General Election 2020 Hub

Sure if he had him killed you would be whinging too.

They won’t do they’ll go after lads on 150k a year because they’ve brainwashed the Celtic fans into thinking these types are the enemy. They’ve no idea on how an economy works.

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The problem is not the wage of a TD which is plenty not to mind the pension and the expenses. The problem is the discourse in modern politics. In two party systems like the UK or US you have a polarisation - mainly driven by a naked power grab by the far right. In Ireland you have a different problem and that’s the vilification of anybody who goes into coalition and doesn’t get everything they want, which is anybody who goes into coalition. That means FG don’t want to go into coalition with FF or SF and FF don’t want to go into coalition with FG or SF and SF don’t want to go into coalition with FF or FG. The discourse of social media is that there should be miracle workers, there aren’t.

SF if they ever go into coalition won’t be miracle workers. But they might give a bit of urgency to policy and more importantly action, it’s badly needed.

It wont affect you so don’t worry about it.

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Lovely picture of Monaghan town here.

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A very strange response. Reporting him to the guards the second he confesses would be my favoured action, and not reporting him 9 years later putting loads of kids at risk

Strange? Screaming Marys like you would be wailing about kangaroo courts if it was dealt with the way it should have been.

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That’s a fairly big adjustment. SF 20 to 26. I don’t know whether it pushes their national average up to being the leading party or whether it pushes them down elsewhere but I’m cynical enough to believe that figures could have been massaged in an Iowa -like manner to deny the headline of SF leading the exit poll.

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It should have been dealt with by him notifying the guards as soon as he knew. What are you on about kangaroo courts?

Am I a screaming Mary because I don’t think people should be trying to protect paedophiles?

Denis O Brien and Bono too


The big challenge for SF now, in politics as in life, is the struggle to avoid all responsibility so that when the country collapses around them they can seem morally superior.

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They have a rich tradition of not taking responsibility for their actions infairness.

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Puts SF right in the hunt in Mayo and Galway West and FF definitely aren’t taking three in Cavan/Monaghan on that. Galway West is going minimum two left seats this time - that’s never happened before. Claire Kerrane in Roscommon might be one to watch - on the figures that are coming up, there’s bound to be a massive surprise somewhere.

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It’s what Irish politics is all about.

After 15+ years of supporting SF through thick and thin, I feel no longer alone. A rubicon has been crossed. When I talk to my wealthy Davos-type friends they used to turn up their noses or basically laugh at the mention of SF. This GE people who I never thought would vote for them have told me that they have supported them. I was talking today to an English friend who voted for them. In the wealthiest and most elitist and prestigious social circles in Ireland, I have heard people openly discuss voting SF for the first time. The stigma is gone, there’s no going back.

Once you become a SF voter the whole world looks different. You feel like the same nice fella that you always did but suddenly the media are calling you a scumbag. You don’t support murdering innocent people so how dare the media say these horrible things about you? It’s personal. This means that once you’re in, you’re in for life. The best possible thing that could happen to SF now is if the Establishment started pushing the Maria Cahill / Paul Quinn / Troubles narrative harder.


When Ryle Nugent and Paddy Cosgrave are openly advocating for you, you have been accepted into the establishment. But you not feeeling alone does go against the ethos as well as the very name of the party. At the end of Storm Ciara is a green sky.

Agreed. Get this man in for Limerick county

SF is an army. SF is a force of nature. We could storm the Dail with all the TDs we have now.

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