General Election 2020 Hub

Based off the exit poll and hunches drawn from it, I’d be making the following changes:

Carlow-Kilkenny - absolute toss up for the last seat between Murnane O’Connor FF, Deering FG and Noonan Green - couldn’t call it, go on, FF to Green
Cork East - Sherlock LAB to O’Connor FF
Donegal - FF Gallagher to McHugh FG
Dublin Mid West - Gogarty IND to Higgins FG
Dublin Rathdown - Brennan FF to Ross IND
Dublin South West - O’Connor FF to Murphy RISE
Dublin West - Chambers FF to Coppinger SPBP
Kildare North - O’Rourke FF to Durkan FG
Limerick City - Daly IND to Leddin Green
Longford-Westmeath Flaherty FF to Bannon FG
Mayo - Chambers FF to Dillon FG
Sligo-Leitrim - Scanlon FF to Feighan FG
Tipperary - Kelly LAB to Ahearne FG

Net changes:
FF - 8
FG + 7
SF same
Green +2
+1 each: Ross, Murphy, Coppinger
Lab -2
Others +1

FF 47
FG 37
SF 34
Green 12
Lab 4
Soc Dem 5
Others 21

Sinn Fein are not socialists so your fears are unfounded. They had a flirtation with socialism in the 70s/80s but once they gained a foothold in the south they quickly realized there was no appetite for far left wing politics.

Sinn Fein will eventually eat up FF, and become a dominant center left party, which is what suits Ireland best.


Sean Are-You-For-Real as the locals call him :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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St 34? Out of 42 candidates. That’d be some return

Happy Sinn Fein day everybody.


34 seats off 42 candidates would surely be an unprecedented return for a party?

What’s the likelihood that a century after the war of independence kicked off in earnest, Sinn Fein finally enter into a coalition government.

Above 33 would be absolutely phenomenal. SF don’t have enough candidates and the votes won’t be evenly distributed. Even 30 is pretty phenomenal

33 was them getting absolutely everyone that had any sort of a chance in. To get above that there’d be someone the likes of that no mark in limerick county elected from absolutely nowhere

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I suspect there’ll be a period here we’re they pretend to want to take some sort of responsibility before retreating to the sidelines again. No risk in opposition

SF won’t get 30 seats. People like the ink monster will get 2 quotas and it skews their national average.

Labour ran 42 before and got 33 seats based on 20% of the vote


And look at them now, glorious!


Labour were extremely transfer friendly in that election though. Transfers will be interesting in this one. SF have traditionally been transfer toxic but that shouldn’t hold as strong anymore.

Jack Chambers on radio one now. Doesn’t sound as faux cocky as normal although he told Gavin to stop getting ahead of himself


Yeah they would frequently be below 7 o 8% in transfers. Looking forward to seeing how transfers work out. If Healy gets eliminated and Browne can stay in long enough I reckon he becomes first SF TD in Tipp.

Was Paddy Ryan (lacken) elected as a SF TD in 1923

Don’t mind him…someone either took his phone for an hour or he’s finally decided to jump on board for a bit of windmilling now that the voting is done. He wont be harping on like this in the students union tomorrow or he’ll be blacklisted and he won’t see a hand shandy or finger bang again.

Excuse my recency bias.

30/31 for SF? …

Chambers categorically ruled out SF there… Be interesting to hear if FG start skirting around it when asked.

‘‘The pensioners are holding the two old parties together’’ :smile:

FFG voters are all old fuddy duddies