General Election 2020 Hub

I wouldn’t laugh too much, with age comes experience.

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Labour at 5 per cent. Is that the end of them.

The Micks have voted for change. The onus now is on Fianna Fáil and IRA/SF to form a coalition government.

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And with age comes death also… Writing was on the wall in 2016 but FFG have just carried on as normal. Half their support base will be dead in 2025.

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Time for you to flee back to Tan land. I’ll be leading the hunt to burn you and other tans out.

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I suppose SF will be telling pensioners that “we are not your enemy”.

Winter is.

Dan is welcome here. Same as we exported a load of cunts all over the world, we’ll happily accept the odd Tory who pitches up here.

Odd is one thing you could call him alright.

Older people are tied to the civil war parties for a host of reasons…

The people have spoken. Labour are finished


Rabbitte sickened, no surprise to see the old bastards all vote FFG same as here.

Just under 5 % of the people voted Labour. Do you think they should be exterminated or something?

“Sinn Féin’s popularity is not just about being in the right place at the right time, though that’s certainly part of it. Younger voters view Sinn Féin’s association with the IRA as historical. Their republicanism is no longer a turnoff but taps into a new, inclusive patriotism that is characteristic of a generation forming and embracing a modern Irish identity. Mary Lou McDonald is a popular leader, especially with younger women.” - the great Una Mullally earlier this week.

Dan is very welcome in Ireland. We are inclusive patriots.

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Less than 33 would be my guess anyway. 29-31 would be my guide. From a SF POV At this stage above 31 is excellent, below 29 would be a big disappointment (even if they would have bit your hand off for it pre election).


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The Irish simpsons fan page has won this election for the left

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It’s a great page.

Some top quality memes.


I’m fair sick of it over the election, it’s been hijacked by youth wings of political parties. I just wanted to see some funny Simpson’s themed memes

SF will be running the likes of Lynn Boylan and Liadh Ni Riada the next time. Maybe Johnny O’Brien will return and join forces with Tommy Gould to take two seats in Cork North Central? A running mate for Sean Crowe and a few other constituencies where they’ll add a second candidate too. The civil war parties will shit their collective pants at the thought of another election this year against this Sinn Féin surge. So it be a Fine Fail coalition for “the good of the country.” :joy: