General Election 2020 Hub

Chambers has a head you’d love to box.

The big three parties could learn a thing or two about vote management from the Healy Raes

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Number 10

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What a job FG did.


Some cunts… The question should be why they are not voting FFG.

Let’s not be too hasty. We could be coalition partners yet if Champ Matin doesn’t stop acting the maggot and the Fianna Fáil cavemen don’t accept the wishes of the electorate. We might have no option in Fine Gael but to lead the government again.

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The main one been they lived through the 70’s and 80’s and experienced the daily carnage that was Northern Ireland. Warrington and the murder of two innocent kids will never be forgotten by anyone who lived through it. SF’s association with the RA will forever tarnish that party with those who lived through that. Similarly (to a lesser degree of evil) FF are responsible for the crash of the noughties so those affected the most 20-35’s will never vote for them.

Depressing result overall. We’re heading for another election and we will see the spending promises get wilder and wilder.

The level of seeth both here and the RTE media is just fabulous.

Miguel is seething

They should disband

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Snodaigh will have 3 quotas

I hope he at least provided the pens

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Cc @Bandage

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The amount of Irish in lanzarote at any one time is huge. Great tactical move by her going over there.

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This is the first election I can remember where social issues absolutely dominated the agenda. Up to now they always played second fiddle to the economy.