General Election 2020 Hub


Galway West is going to be the Dublin Bay North of this election. Fascinating picture emerging. Looks like SF are going to take one, they’re leading on tallies. Catherine Connolly going well. Eamon O’Cuiv could be in trouble. Ye Gods.

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I’m claiming credit for this late surge.


SF destroying your beloved Micheal Martin… Still a wasted vote I suppose?

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Once the boxes west of the city are opened Eamon will do ok

Mairead Farrell in Galway West is a niece of THE Mairead Farrell afaik.


Leo and Mick Martin being destroyed in their own constituency.


She has personal experience so of Brexit effecting areas bordering the Eu

Imagine getting less votes than joe loughnane yesterday

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That’s two quotas for Cullinane. Should have ran two.

John Deasy will be having a right snigger over this.

@Copper_pipe @ciarancareyshurlingarmy

That’ll be the snig from the Unionist community all day. The silly Shinners didn’t run enough candidates.


“The local and European elections cannot be compared in any way to a General Election”, says house psephologist. I’ve been saying this until I’m green in the face.

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He’s going to do it. I’d imagine he will be very transfer friendly.

Tom Neville in huge trouble, behind not only Richard O’Donoghue but even the SF fella who did no canvassing.

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Early tallies from Tipp suggest that deceased candidate Marese Skehan may be performing better than Irexit’s Dolores Cahill. #TippGE2020


This election has been a total humiliation for the far right.


Zappone, Ross and Burton all in trouble. It’s like someone saw my wish list :heart_eyes:


SF will top the poll in Longford-Westmeath. Could even be two Longford TDs from none last time.