General Election 2020 Hub

Awful election for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy crew, Aontu.


Isn’t Jim O Callaghan anti-choice too?

To be honest they have been very lucky they ran so few candidates .

He only got in last time and that was a surprise. He’s been FF’s most able shadow cabinet operator over the last few years so him losing would be a huge surprise.

No idea - my impression of him was that I assumed he had been pro-choice but not certain of that.

Looks like FG’s high profile ministers will survive relatively unscathed. Independents that went in with them getting it in the neck though

They also struggle with the words by the look of it

Regina Doherty will surely go though?

Ex Fianna Failer, Niall Andrews running for IRA/SF a problem for Jim. Always a real risk for him of soft FF votes leaking.

Any view on likely make up of next Government yet?

How many are Greens expecting now

Richard Bruton thinks Cian O’Callaghan will beat David Healy in DBN. Soc Dems having a quietly good morning.

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I wonder was it luck ?

Sinn Fein are so in vogue now, they’re membership will go through the roof tomorrow with every Tom dick and harry jumping on the bandwagon, ff/fg now have some serious rebranding to do

What constituencies did SF really screw up by only having one candidate though? Dublin South West? Dublin Bay North? Can’t think of too many others to be honest.

He has zero personality

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I for one will welcome our new republican overlords :confused:

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You would want your head examined not to be a member of SF when they seize power. I have the fainne on the lapel today.


They seem to have in or around two quotas in Waterford and could have for three elected in Donegal.

Sorry, I checked, he came around


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