General Election 2020 Hub

It’ll be Leddin Green or Jan O’Sullivan.

Crowe has 19554 on the 100% tally just completed.

That beats O’Snodaigh and Ellis but cullinane has a tally of 19842

Final tally

FF are dead.SF will finish them off in the next election.

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And fellas saying Danny was in trouble and the greens had a chance :joy:

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If FF go into government with FG that will effectively end FF. If that happens there should be a national holiday.

Tg4 polls :grinning:


Collins didn’t even top the poll. Lovely.
If ROD can stay in the game he should get good transfers @Copper_pipe but it’s not looking too promising.

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The Wexford online one looks like a joke shop as well.

Leddin will not be elected. It’ll be O’Sullivan or Daly.

Very competent performance here from Conor Kane in WIT.

@anon67715551 shushing everyone in the house here.

He’ll transfer far better than the SF candidate surely, prob the most transfer friendly in the race.

Kelly is very safe now. Cahill needs every vote from his party colleagues to transfer to him

Chambers a goner. One of Dillon or Mulherin will pass her out.

Agreed but all down to the order of elimination

The I , The I

Brits out, Carbon out


Jackie Cahill hopefully loses his seat in Tipperary, the gormless cunt.

SF look likely to get a seat :smile:
Surely they could have picked a chap with an ounce of ability though.


Never back against a Green in a race where transfers are crucial.

The final run off is likely to be between one of Leddin and O’Sullivan (and Leddin has the advantage) and one of Daly or the FF candidate.

Whoever comes off worst between Leddin and O’Sullivan should push the other over the line with transfers. Willie O’Dea will not have a suplus to distribute.

O’Sullivan’s hope is that Byrne FG’s transfers will help her but O’Donnell will take those - he is well short of a quota.

Quinlivan will have a surplus of a thousand or so and Leddin should do well off that. I’d be backing him to take the seat.