General Election 2020 Hub

He doesn’t make quite that much. He also has a great chance of ending up Attorney General.

O’Callaghan’s best hope is that Andrews is still some way off a quota and transfers that might otherwise go to O’Connell could go to Andrews.

Pressure getting to the returning officer here

Returning officer having a mare here in Cork East

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I’d say Michael Ring is a savage local worker on the ground.

She is not having a good day in fairness

It would be fantastic to see that simpleton Kevin O’Keefe lose his seat

How does one become a returning officer - are they civil servants - what is their day job

If somebody gets a heart attack in Mayo, you don’t ring for an ambulance, you ring Ring. As they say say about another Michael somewhere.

Full time alcoholics

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It takes years of discipline and training

County Registrars are Returning Officers. In counties where there are more than one constituency, it’s other members of the Court Services who act as Returning Officers.

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Sinn Fein will change all that don’t worry

Id love to see the sums for that one. No issue with the idea but how it would generate 452m seems a lot

“I hope Sinn Féin will go into government now. They wouldn’t go into government in Northern Ireland. They wouldn’t go into government in Britain.”

Does Michael Ring think Sinn Féin got nearly 400 seats in Westminster or something?

There’s Eoghan Murphy. Thought he’d emigrated or something

Murphy surely wont get transfers from the Greens or SF

He’s alive

He was looking for a house.


These first preference votes for Sinn Fein are off the charts.