General Election 2020 Hub

Vs expectations it has been a disaster.

They were confidently predicting mid-50’s 24 hours ago. Now, they’ll be on their knees accepting terms from Mary-Lou.

He is dead right.

If only he didn’t defend his position more in power, I suspect he was told not to.

Fine Gael’s problem summed up on the front page of the Irish Times yesterday. Big spread and headline on “are we building too many hotels?”…planning permission for the Connolly Quarter (which was received in 3 months, vs the previous 2-3 year process we see elsewhere, all due to his reforms as Minister) got a tiny byline below.


Seighin isnt even from county Limerick. His performance is staggering really.

FG have to look at themselves with Dan Nevilles son, only known for marrying your one from Fair City.

Young Louis really could do the business for SF in Galway East - but it will be a close run thing.

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Yeah, between his ears!

How is this being reported up north?

Bruff National School

Richard O’Donoghue (Independent) — 448
Niall Collins (FF) — 353
Patrick O’Donovan (FG) — 240

Kilfinane Primary School

Seighin O’Ceallaigh (SF) - 125
Niall Collins (FF) - 100
Richard O’Donoghue (Independent) - 99

Bruree National School

Patrick O’Donovan (Fine Gael) — 273
Richard O’Donoghue (Ind) — 239
Niall Collins (FF) — 157

Athlacca National School

Richard O’Donoghue (Independent) — 65
Niall Collins (FF) — 62
Seighin O Ceallaigh (SF) — 35

Knocklong National School

Niall Collins (Fianna Fail) — 192
Patrick O’Donovan (FG) — 154
Seighin O Ceallaigh (SF) — 152

Knockainey National School

Patrick O’Donovan (FG) - 91
Niall Collins (FF) - 86
Richard O’Donoghue (Independent) - 66

Effin national school

Richard O’Donoghue (Independent) — 186
Niall Collins (FF) — 78
Patrick O’Donovan (FG) — 67

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Dessie Ellis is a fucking hero.

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Rose Conway Walsh seems a nice lady.

@Copper_pipe Is RTEs political correspondent! :open_mouth:

I’ve settled down for the evening here.

A mug of tae in front of me and also an Easter egg.

Election coverage on the LG TV (which may combust are any minute) keeping up to date on TFK all whilst having a face mask on.



Which one :thinking:

I’m a Green/Labour voter but unlike my Marxist-Feminists companions I think Leo has been impressive. The overall strategy missed the mark but I think he pulled it around in the last 10 days or so.
I also think the towering achievement of this government was Repealing the 8th and Leo and Simon Harris won over the middle


Put on RTE2 there mate,

Two massive lizards are fighting each other.

You may not like his policies but he’s a smart enough guy

But good quip. Above average.

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The smartest guys in his family are in order
His granddad
His father/his uncle

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None of these big SF swings are staggering. I keep saying not all politics is local. The majority of people do not follow politics on a day to day basis and have no contact with representatives. Therefore SF doing well in Kildare, Longford-Westmeath, Limerick County, Tipperary, Roscommon, Galway East, Clare and Mayo etc. should not be a surprise. The candidate is irrelevant.

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Some analysis on RTE to that effect - for SF (and greens) voters voted based on party over personality. For FF the other way round

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How does the redistribution of the surplus work in practise? Is it a random selection from all the first pref? Or pro rata from each ballot box?

Same trend on local versus national issues. FG and SF (57 per cent) voters voted based on national issues.

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