General Election 2020 Hub

FF’s decision to run two candidates in Roscommon must go down as the worst decision of the election - maybe along with Hanafin running for them in DL. In Roscommon, there was one seat available - Fitzmaurice and Naughten were always nailed on, and FF had it. They ran a Leyden of the local dynasty. A decision that smacked of a different era, of pure entitlement, when surname alone was enough to win. No longer.

Willie willing to talk to anyone

Yeah it was completely obvious that SF and the Greens were doing well on national/global issues. FG to an extent were running on national issues with FF resorting to pure pork barrel.

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So a protest vote really? Still as highly motivated as they they will have the support or just 25% of the country. Ive called for mandatory voting and will again

No it’s called running on national issues, not pork barrel. FG ran on national issues in 2011, I didn’t hear you calling that a protest vote.

Mandatory voting is an idiotic idea.

This lad enjoying the count in Limerick

25 per cent of SF transfers to independent candidates suggests a protest vote of sorts.

In another analogy - the party brand is stronger than the candidates. Hence lads who you’ve never heard of topping the poll.

This is unreal.


Collins is an ultimate cunt.


This happened in 1992 - Labour had little known poll toppers all over Dublin and picked up seats they were never expected to like Clare and Longford-Westmeath.

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How is it fair a solicitor or accountant earns 50 or 60k more than a senior nurse or a teacher in a special needs unit in the first place?
Wages are inequitable in the first place

The lad on David McWilliams podcast during week predicted this. Referenced the Labour vote in 1992 and Bhamjee getting elected in Clare from nowhere.

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One of the worst.

Supply and demand

That’s a much bigger argument about how jobs are rewarded etc

However the teacher or nurse are not working the same number of hours a week as the solicitor or accountant. Per hour it is not as different

To hell with the planet indeed


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Following the limerick leader tracker to see where hes getting votes. Doing well in the old east limerick consistency