General Election 2020 Hub

He wasn’t joking but its just internal politics. When Eoin O’Broin was seeking an internal SF position Peadar had a visit from a Belfast SF man telling him not to vote for Eoin.

That said, its just politics. Ive no doubt FF or FG would have people canvassing for others in any internal vote…slightly different albeit. Only one visitor telling him how to vote.

Not quite when Bobby Storey was knocking on the door ensuring members put away the guns or they be taken care off but that was different times.

Look at our own idiots here sure and they delighted, Kerry cunts.

FFG voters who want no discussion about a United Ireland giving out that nobody has done a plan on this

Senator Mark Daly has done a lot of work on this


Congrats kid. Theres no way the SFer will get more transfers from the gimp from NCW.

A cunts cunt. Ex Fianna Fáil.

I mentioned it as an aside, you think I’m crying about it and now you’re labouring the point. Whatevs, mate.

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I’d imagine it’s slightly more intimidating when one of the auld lads from Sinn Fein tells you what to do :joy:

I would think so and one of the Fine Gael candidates to take the last.

JCM on now. She ran a great campaign.

Very magnanimous. She is well able to speak.

Were people supposed to vote for this SF lad who they’ve never seen in their lives and have no idea what his story is apart from looking some what sinister on his campaign posters


Not a great look from O Donovan but brilliant to see Collins knocker off his perch.

He was first elected :thinking:

Bobby Storey is a serious man . I wouldn’t argue with him . He is s nephew of Gerry the boxing coach

8K did you miserable little prick.

Garvey Green’s transfers will he huge - they could take Wynne over the top and McNamara will be relying on them if he wants to get in.

Nearly 8k of Fine Gael transfers will be at play compared to just over 4k FF - which will be split.

Dooley definitely at risk.

Is saying years in the style of “2,16” an FG thing?

He made ground on all the FG and FF surplus so far so I don’t see that trend breaking here.

Around 1500 odd…

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I’ll take this one.


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