General Election 2020 Hub

The moon landing was fake news he said.


What’s the state of play in Roscommon?

He looked like a Nazi

Come on ROD lad.

I’ll be on RTE if he gets in, ROD up on my shoulders as I’m roaring like a roaster.

Fuck these establishment cunts like FG, FF and SF.

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The best politician in Ireland looks like a Nazi

The Dublin meeja won’t like that, won’t like it one bit

SF supporters tonight

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8k people voted for a fella that mounted zero campaign. It’s SFs fault if he isn’t elected. I voted SF in the city for what it’s worth. But SF have left one behind them here by not either putting up a decent candidate or not supoorting the one they did.
Look they were as surprised as anyone today and it’s an unreal day for them. You couldn’t criticise them for not putting up more candidates and Limerick County is a SF wasteland but you can’t blame the electorate for not voting for an invisible candidate

This nice young FG lady has just made a good point, which is that there’s no real chance of having to rerun the election because if worst comes to worst FG will just reverse the confidence and supply agreement.

Some lovely casualties there MMOC, Regina, Coppinger, Burton, Ross


2nd count in DBN. Count suspended until the morning.

O’Callaghan got a nice bump from Mitchell’s surplus.

Still a shithole


Coveney ruled it out earlier.

I’m no fan of Leo but infairness at least he’s sticking to his guns re Sinn Fein.

There can be no moral basis for FG ruling out a confidence and supply arrangement with FF.

His posters could only be described as having a menacing tone, and presumably that was the best photo they could find of him :see_no_evil:

SF will respect people who stick to their guns.


BTW, what the fuck was Bowman on about earlier, “governments tend to lose elections”. How many elections have the Tories run on the trot now?

“Tend to”
It’s certainty true in Ireland.

I’m not sure what English elections have to do with Irish ones mate

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