General Election 2020 Hub

He is some bag of wind

Gormless roasters staring at the camera. This is very reminiscent of a post-match interview in some provincial ground.

FG have the party line re SF well lined up.

“We’ll see how they like it” seems to be the gist of it

They are not able for the levers of power and they know it

Whoever is the main opposition party will win the next election

This Pat Leahy is always full of wind and piss.


Fine Gael are accepting of the wishes of the electorate for change. The onus now is now on IRA/SF and Fianna Fáil to form a government.


FF/FG will do a deal. SF will take power in 2025.

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I’m backing Dillon to beat her, he’s been doing better on transfers and any geographical factor that exists favours him slightly

Absolutely. FF/SF in together.

Win win either way. If all the magic bean solutions work we’ll quickly have a world-class health system and houses for all. If it doesn’t the electorate can realise that they’ve been sold a bag of dust.


SF will absorb Lab/SD/PBP and win a landslide next time

It makes no sense for FG to go near SF & it makes less sense for SF to end up in bed with FFFG.

If they do it’s serious short termism. They’d be as well for one of them to go in with them and let the public see what they are about

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TFK exclusive.

ROD has done it!


There’s nothing @Copper_pipe can’t do


The people of Ireland made their ‘moral choice’ yesterday. No more FFG

Has Eoghan Harris been heard from?
Livid he is I’d say


Verona Murphy with a big uplift from Deirdre Wadding (PBP). :triumph:

He’ll be even more livid when Martin does a deal with the “devil”. Fintan O Toote was getting it in the neck from him today. Said he had to give back a golden cleric award or some shit. Man is gone mad.

Was just about to post the same.

He’s pulling away.

ROD backers form an orderly queue at your local betting office.

Think O Ceallaigh has about 370 transfers and ROD has around 1k.

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