General Election 2020 Hub

Fuck, so close for Mairéad

Awful pricking going on in Galway West. Elect someone ta fuck ye crusty bastards

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Meehawl is about to inform us that he is first and foremost a democrat

Only had a tenner on him at 6’s! I’m sick.

Unbelievable for such a small place to have its own TD. Walked all over the establishment.

We don’t like politicians

There was a count there where a whack of PBP, Labour and IND transfers were distributed, Mulherin got 240, Dillon got 171. McHugh’s distribution will be quite similar to that I’d say.

@Copper_pipe will be handing out free fitbits after the election

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@KinvarasPassion Tuathail still in it here :smile:

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Might be one for the confessions thread but I’ve a bit of a grá for Sinead O’Carroll

It’s been apparent from a while back that
Verona is taking the 4th seat. She’s been very transfer friendly, more so than any of the other three conte sing for last two seats.

Graeme Mul’s dad is Richard’s secretary.

Cc @balbec

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A good chunk of my work colleagues had him backed.



FG seem very adamant about no SF. It’ll have to FF so

If they do one more count tonight then Farrell, O Cuiv, and probably Grealish sadly should all get in. O Cuiv should top the poll too but fuck Mairéad had him sweating all night

You won’t have to put your hand in your pocket on the next night out

The same bag of dust the blueshirts sold them in the last two General Elections?

Thank fuck that electronic voting never caught on


RTE panel not able for the long haul

No a different bag of dust. Please pay attention.