General Election 2020 Hub

He’s not far wrong tbf.

Why is there a need to go again? The people have spoken and there’s a mandate there for an IRA/SF and FF coalition government.

The country will need a government pretty soon . The Brexit negotiations are starting very soon

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Hard to see it but the other option which I haven’t really heard touted is that FF/FG go into power together and deliver one budget and call another election in 2021.

Would provide stability and give both a chance to regroup but you would feel that SF would be vociferous as the main opposition party and it would do nothing to halt their gallop you would think

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It’ll be great to have the Health Service fixed.


The public did not see Brexit as an issue. That may soon change.

Hospital consultants will be flocking here you’d imagine.

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Another election in 2021? Are you off your head?

A few kneecappings wont be long putting manners on them.

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Gerry Adams can drive down O’Connell Street in a JEEP heading a military parade.

I’m not saying there is. However fg have categorically refused to coalesce with sf. This means that the only viable option is sf/ff. with the greens and possibly labour. Now if sf/ff doesn’t happen, the numbers simply aren’t there. You have no option but to go again. If you go again relatively soon, the sf wave will still be active and they could return up to 50 seats as their vote management will improve

It was an issue but it was dwarfed . There is a view that the need to secure a brexit deal by end or this year will take up huge political capital .

Their vote management in probably ok . They need more candidates to fully milk the surge .

That’s what I meant

They have some capable people waiting in the wings in the likes of Lynn Boylan and O’Riadh who will get elected next time.

If they get into government then it will all be about optics, get some social houses built and reduce the number of homeless. This number will drop anyway as the current measures kick in over the next couple of years but being seen to improve that will go a long way to solidifying their vote.

It would be great to pull the carpet from under Martin after 6 months alright … that would be the end of him.

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That’s a real possibility

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So what you’re saying is, Martin will get to be Taoiseach and get to bow out after.

As opposed to never being Taoiseach and having to bow out now.

I think I know which one he’d choose.

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Fine Gael have been defeated, borderline routed. The mantra throughout the election has been Change. Fine Gael have no mandate for anything other than opposition.

Caretaker government can do it for now, not a good look but howinever