General Election 2020 Hub

Brexit of course has the potential to derail any housing or health initiatives.

FG failed miserably to communicate that to the electorate. Or maybe they were too arrogant to.

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Ah yeah, we can trust the Civil Servants as well to keep things on the road.

He has the most seats currently so is holding a couple of aces.

It was my dream that he’d be the first FF leader not to be Taoiseach. Looks like I’ll have to change it to him being the last FF leader to be Taoiseach.


My thoughts go out to you at this difficult time.

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I’ve been saying that for 2 years — Of course Brexit is important but people naturally are gonna care more about the real pains in their every day lives … Leo got it terribly, terribly wrong.

Dunno. They had 19 TDs in 2011. Looked gone for a generation but have bounced back to be biggest party again.

It seems the electorate don’t reward governments for preventing disasters.


Without our dreams what have we? The world would be a colder sadder place!

RTE incorrectly reported that Wexford finished last night when there was one last count going on. Sheehans transfers should see Browne get close, Howlin get in and Byrne close to Murphy. Where Carthys votes go will then decide the fate of the last seat.

Or that it was done already?

And then some more




Pringle should get in in Donegal.

FF look like they will lose seats in Mayo, Roscommon, Donegal, Meath and possibly Sligo Leitrim, not certain to retain their Louth seat either. They have been savaged in the northern part of the Free State.

Niall seems like a decent fella, you’d hope he might get in.
Some of his team are childish enough though, its democracy right?


@Lazarus highlighted this last week. It’s buried in the thread somewhere

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As expected, a calm and measured response from Ruth Dudley Edwards in The Belfast Telegraph


There could also be at least 4 former SF members elected as TDs in Burke, Toibin, Nolan and Pringle.

Brexit is done pal. No more Project Fear.

No one to fix them after though…

Nolan has stated she’ll be aligning herself with the Rural Independent Group. She didnt take kindly to be ejected from SF.

Is she an anti-choice?
Are all the rural independents?